006 ✧ A Kiss With Different Coordinates

491 20 32

A/N: Eddie & Fi play 20 questions. Smut. Thanks all for reading and pretty please comment or vote! xx

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Phoenix learned a lot about Eddie as he moved about her apartment and the summer days ran longer.

   Eddie liked breakfast food all hours of the day and made it often. His cooking wasn't bad at all when he put effort in and he seemed to be trying just a little harder each day to impress her. They switched or made meals a collective effort if they both were home.

   Eddie watched the cooking channel when he was stoned. Without fail, Phoenix would see Julia Child on their screen. Hear her peppy voice explaining yet another recipe and prep. Eddie must've felt a spiritual connection to her because his kitchen adventures got more daring.

   "Fi, I'm going to learn how to debone a duck," he sat sprawled on the couch that night after she got home from work later. "A whole duck. I'm really gonna do it this time."

   "In Hawkins?" Phoenix couldn't help bursting his bubble without mercy or emotion. "Best I can do for you is KFC, Eds."

   Eddie's stoner chuckles built to howls the more he thought on that. As if she were a god of comedy. Phoenix did end up getting them KFC that night. Munchies make the rules sometimes.

   Munson also got frequent calls from his old Hellfire buddies wanting advice. She greeted the Henderson boy on their line often enough. And Eddie would drop everything he was doing to chat. Always happy to help and guide. An odd sweetness there when Fi saw his animated calls on their sofa. She told them finally that they could come to the door and see Eddie if they wanted, it was his space too.

   Yes, his friend group that was also becoming her friend group was around more for movies and longer nights of complaining about adult things. Bunch of lost boys and girls sitting about. Annoyed with adult living and all that it requires. Annoyed with Peter Pan. Annoyed with Neverland and whatever else was coming. Phoenix added more pictures to the wall. Spent time with Steve and Robin without Eddie when they extended invitations. Even Nancy as she prepared to leave for college.

   Lucky gal she was to be getting out quicker.

   Randomly, Eddie also went out at night. Met up with Steve to chat or smoke. Or he'd say that his uncle needed help with something. Guy time so she didn't pry but sometimes he returned a little worse for wear. Couple scrapes or bruising. Odd tears in his clothing. Always said he was clumsy which was believable but...

   Still strange. 

   Something else about Eddie. One of his quirks. He worried. Worried about small things like if Phoenix complained about the occasional headache after a long day. He'd stare and prod and offer too much help. Hung around even after the headache was long gone. He played nonchalant about it but she knew in the way he fiddled with his rings and refused to stand in one spot. His wheels spun endlessly.

   Eddie learned things about her. That she always put salsa on her eggs and baked potatoes. She loved aquariums. She also loved hot sauce. Phoenix sucked her cheeks in to keep from smiling so she could play her marble statue, deadpan vampire stare-down games. Her grim reaper aspirations. Fi seemed too nervous to be read clearly so he tried to do it in a way that was polite and vague. Didn't want her turning into a bat and flying out of reach.

   Phoenix came off like she was too cool, too dangerous, too dark. But, she told more jokes than anyone else even if they weren't always caught. Eddie caught them. Every single time even if he often showed it with a look in their wordless language.

   Casual rules aside, she only had one apartment rule that caught him.

   "If my parents do call, I'm not home."

shadows of the night. // Eddie Munson x OCМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя