008 ✧ Something To Be Desired

453 22 13

A/N:Eddie and Phoenix spend the evening in her room. Smut. Leave words if you like the fic xoxo

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   Phoenix realized she hadn't made time for her hobbies. Having Eddie Munson and his odd friend group in her life devoured time. Not that she minded anymore. Being devoured. Having people eat up your time while you ate up their time suddenly seemed like a wonderful thing. For the first time, it felt like none of it could possibly be wasted.

She wasn't sure if she'd even call painting a hobby because she only ever really painted sets for their shows in high school or makeup on faces. And this particular work, something somewhat scenic, she'd been doing in teeny, tiny doses for months. It was what the white coats who ran her physical therapy pushed. Constructive hobbies to keep her moving. To bring her peace.

"Fucker! Stupid therapy quacks making me...ugh. I hate you." The peace part was clearly not working. Phoenix dripped and hurried to use a paper towel to fix the smudge before painting over. "Running out of black too."

She mixed a dab into another color, the brush sweeping in her little corner. She preferred to just read but they said she needed a better creative outlet with some motion. Her easel faced the wall at the foot of her bed, tilted to the corner. Eddie wasn't allowed to peek because she liked having her dumb scribbles to herself which he respected. The quacks had her crocheting and sewing more as well but this morning was one of those bad body mornings.

A fresh cramp inching up her scarred wrist signaled it was time to stop. The tiny puncture marks prickled and she put the brush down to clean up. Stretching to crack her left shoulder which barely helped the stiffness. Grumbles followed. A clean, baggy shirt with little ghosts all over it from the laundry that fell mid-thigh was a comfort. Sometimes she wrapped scarves around her neck even to wander the apartment. Hiding her shapes and scars away, even in solitude.

Today, the skin prickled unpleasantly as her nerves spliced apart. Almost trying to settle themselves and failing. She sat there at the easel again rubbing her shoulder, unable to soothe the contours of patchwork, snakeskin flesh. Sensitivity bubbling here and there.

"Honey, I'm home," came Eddie's cheesy greeting from the main room. "Picking up the morning prep and delivery sorting with my regular shift was a total scam, the morning rush was hellish and I almost didn't get out at lunch for that, ah, thing. I did, however, stop by Big Buy for us. Save us a trip. Got some sandwich fixings, cereal, cheap beer, and I got salt and vinegar chips. Two bags so I don't have to fight you."

"Appreciated," she heard some rustling of paper bags in the kitchen.

"Had a craving for animal crackers and they were on sale which felt like winning the lottery. Being an adult is...sad."

Phoenix couldn't help smirking even as her body betrayed her and she hunched over in some pain. It'll pass. It will.

"Just wait until you get excited about picking new furniture," she had to retort, hissing after. Eddie came down the hallway until he poked his head in her room. Not entering.

Phoenix was curled up on the little stool. Eyes watering with a sniffle because it felt raw to the bone. Felt like it'd never go away. Felt like this wasn't even her body but the pain...

"You okay?" Eddie had changed out of his work attire when he clocked out. Hair shifted with a breeze because her fan was running above them.

"Yeah, just upset the nervous system and it's driving me up the wall," Phoenix got jittery and frustrated when this happened because she couldn't get comfortable. "I'm drained. I didn't even work today and I'm fucking drained, Eddie."

shadows of the night. // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now