005 ✧ The Undying

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A/N: Phoenix shares her story. TW: Past trauma/death and mention of arson. **Thank you so much!! Please, please leave words if you like the fic xx

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"You guys want some pizza? We're calling out." Gareth poked his head out the garage door to a kitchen. Instruments on their stands. A successful practice on a Saturday. Eddie and Phoenix faced each other with their legs up on a loveseat. More of a back car seat ripped from a vehicle.

   "Extra sausage," Eddie nodded with his chin and the door shut. Star twinkled outside and Phoenix crossed her ankles.

   "Good set, although you need to lose the move where you hump your guitar toward the mic."

   "I wasn't humping, just a little gyrating, the ladies who come up to me love it onstage. Don't they?"

   She just laughed at him.

   "You're such a nerd, Munson. Still," she spoke fondly. Don't change either.

   Warm summer night air whistled into the open garage. Phoenix pulled her cardigan closer until Eddie was shrugging off his leather jacket. Worn fabric slipped over her shoulders so she clutched it.

   "Thanks," her knee pressed his thigh.

   "Don't mention it," Eddie's arm extended across the edge behind her. His chest rose and fell. Eyes flicked at her to observe. Finally, he asked it. "Does it hurt a lot?"

   His gaze panned from her face to her left shoulder. Phoenix stopped rubbing the usual spot. Hands dropped into her lap.

   "Chronic pain in my shoulder blade and back. It goes down to my hand when it's bad. Some days, it's hard to even move in bed when I wake up. Lotion and pills help. The nerves and muscles are all messed up, they did some experimental prodding to fix it...and it made it worse," Phoenix confessed. "Comes and goes though."


   "I know you want to ask more," she peered at the closed door behind her. A sigh. "Ask."

   "Is it okay if I ask how it happened?" Eddie braced for her to shut down but she just stared at his eyes. Expression unreadable which was her default. "If not, that's fine too."

   "No, um," Phoenix blinked a bunch and turned her eyes down again. Staring at Eddie's hand. The tiny glimmer of his three chunky rings. An idle finger traced the metal design and Eddie's digits shifted out. Just slightly. An offer.

  I have you.

   Phoenix looked up as she wound her hand around his. Felt calluses from playing at the tips. His hand was warm too from the rush of deft fingers hitting each cord. Slipping almost elegantly across those shiny strings. Little sweaty as she squeezed it.

  I have you back.

   "You know, I think you're my best friend, Eddie. It's been a strange few weeks. Maybe I don't have a comparison. I just don't do this, I haven't had..."

   "Setting the standard for best friend," he replied, "I can see myself liking that." Phoenix Deloria had his back. Unwavering loyalty which was a special, unconditional brand of affection. Even as she tried to play so cool. "Hope I keep the position."

   "I think you have good odds," her head tilted to study his face. "My parents are lawyers. Good ones. The kind that made lots of money and they did plenty of pro-bono work. They knew each other growing up and reconnected in college. Mom grew up on the rez near the water and dad was from lots of places before returning to some nice suburb but they both loved where they came from. They made a great team and opened a practice. Moved it here even if they took a paycut in a small town."

shadows of the night. // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now