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chapter seven,( war is over

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chapter seven,
( war is over. )

Eliza stood behind Thomas in the WCKD building, yet he was still unaware she was there. She could see her mother standing a meter or so away, and Thomas raised his gun, pointing it at the blonde woman.

"Is it true?" Thomas asked, and Eliza could see him shaking as she watched from behind him. "Newt. Could I have saved him?" She could hear the pain in his voice.

"You can save us all." Ava said calmy. "Hello, Eliza." Thomas whipped his head around at the woman's words as Eliza came to stand beside him.

Thomas stopped, stifling a sob before he dropped his gun to the floor. Eliza felt the salty tears still streaming down her face as her mother came to stand in front of them.

"It's okay." Ava reassured.

"Just leave the others alone." Thomas said, voice barely above a whisper. "Leave her alone." Eliza sobbed, reaching for Thomas's hand. The older boy grasped her smaller hand.

"I promise." The woman spoke. "I will-" She was cut off as a gunshot rang through the air, and everything went silent. Eliza looked down as blood began to seep through her mother's white shirt, and she watched silently as the woman fell to the floor. Standing behind her, was Janson, gun in hand.

Eliza let out a sob and Thomas pushed her behind his back, and the young girl gripped his shirt. Before either of the teens could react, the man jumped forward, sending a needle into each of their necks. Eliza didn't resist, she let herself be succumbed by the darkness.

Eliza's eyes fluttered open, and she looked down to see her wrists strapped to the bed she was on. Thomas was on a different bed across from her, and he seemed to only be now waking up. She looked over, and saw Theo sitting in a chair, watching as Teresa drew blood from Thomas's arm, while Janson stared out the window.

"Do you two know what this place is?" Janson asked. "It's a lifeboat. And the whole world might be sinking but doesn't mean we have to go down with it. How much longer?"

"Almost done." Teresa replied. Eliza struggled against her restraints.

"Then can I kill her?" Theo asked, slowly walking over to stand beside Eliza. He didn't get a reply. Eliza swallowed the lump in her throat.

"Why didn't you just kill me?" Thomas asked Janson.

"Kill you?" Janson asked. "No, we don't wanna do that. We're gonna take special care of you. We'll keep you alive. Just."

Thomas thrashed against his restrained, and Janson smirked.

"And in return, you will give life to the rest of us." Janson continued. "The ones we choose to save, anyway." He grabbed a syringe from a tray. "Of course, there's not gonna be enough for everyone. Hard choices are gonna have to be made. In time, the flare virus will burn itself out. The only question is, who will be the ones left standing?"

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