six , agony

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As she hit the water, Eliza felt her whole-body burn

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As she hit the water, Eliza felt her whole-body burn. Bubbles floated up around her as she began to slowly sink. She was right, she couldn't swim. She kicked, but her body wasn't seeming to go anywhere. She felt arms wrap around her, and before she knew it, she was laying on the cement.

Liza rolled over, turning on her hands and knees, coughing up water as Minho and Newt exited the water, but Thomas was already beside her. He'd saved her.

"You three, don't move!" A man's voice shouted as three guards slowly walked towards them, guns raised.

"Oh, for fucks sake." Eliza muttered, practically shivering from how cold and wet she was.

"Don't even think about it!" A guard shouted as Thomas went to reach for his gun. "Get on your knees, with your hands in the air." Just as the man finished his sentence, one of the three guards turned, shooting the other three to the floor.

Eliza stared in confusion, before the guard took his mask off.

"Gally?" Minho asked in confusion.

"Minho." Gally greeted. "You guys are nuts."

"I'll explain later." Thomas said.

The group ran through the city, Eliza at the end since she couldn't run as fast as the boys, before they ducked behind a garden bed as WCKD cars drove past.

"Well, they're definitely pissed." Gally said.

"How far are the tunnels?" Thomas asked as Eliza panted heavily.

"Maybe 12 blocks from here." Gally said, as newt coughed. He was looking worse, and the veins on his face were starting to darken. "We can make it."

"You okay?" Thomas asked the younger girl, who was awfully silent.

"Better than ever." She replied. Minho quickly turned to the three, leaving Newt to the side.

"How long has he been like this?" Minho asked.

"He'll be okay." Thomas replied. "We just gotta get to Brenda. She's got the serum." Eliza stripped herself of her jacket, leaving herself in her cargo pants, and a black long sleeve, which was rolled up to her elbows. "Let's go." Thomas and Eliza went to help Newt up, and they both had one of his arms over their shoulders, stopping him from falling. Eliza felt like she could fall herself, but she ignored it. This is about Newt.

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