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chapter seven,( beat his ass

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chapter seven,
( beat his ass. )

"What happened to you wanting to be a part of the guard?" A man's voice said. Young Eliza leant up against a wall, leading to another room where her father and brother were arguing.

"I don't know any more dad!" Theo shouted back.

"Sometimes I feel like I can trust your eleven-year-old sister more than I can trust you, Theo. You're fifteen, now, son. You have to pull yourself together!" Janson yelled as his son rolled his eyes. "Are you going to show up to the next training session?"

"Yes, sir." Theo replied.

"I didn't hear you." The man said, anger evident in his voice.

"Yes, sir." Theo said, more loudly this time.

"Now, get outta here." Janson said. "I can't even look at you, right now." Theo got up, storming out of the room before halting as he saw Eliza.

"Shouldn't have skipped training to see Teresa." Eliza teased, and her brothers jaw tightened, making her smile drop as he stepped close to her.

"Shut up." Theo said, grabbing the younger girl by the jaw as he said that, before roughly releasing her and storming off.

Eliza shot up, breathing heavy as she looked around. Her, the rest of the group and now Jorge, had spent the night in an abandoned building, deciding that before looking for Thomas and Brenda, they may as well get some rest. Jorge had decided to take watch, considering he knew the place better than the others.

When Eliza had woken up, she could see that the sun had started to rise. "Morning, kid." The voice of Jorge said, grabbing her attention. "You, okay?"

"Yeah." Eliza said, not very convincing as her friends began to wake up around her. Everyone slowly started to get up, and Eliza did the same, with help from Fry. She bit her lip as she stared at her leg brace, before looking at everyone else. Why her? Why did the night in the maze have to even happen? She was so jealous of everyone else, since they had all moved on and their wounds, inside and out, seemed to be healed. But hers were going to stick around forever, whether she liked it or not.

"Alright, we better get moving. I have a feeling I know where Brenda will take your friend." Jorge said. Nobody replied, instead, everyone followed the man out of the room they were in.

The group walked down flights of stairs, which took a toll on the youngest in the group, but she didn't say anything and pushed through, until they exited the abandoned building.

They all walked for an hour or so, until the group came out of an alleyway. Eliza looked around. There were people everywhere, and they all stared at the group as they passed. The young girl could hear music playing somewhere, like there was a party, but she couldn't understand why someone would throw a party in this fucked up world.

Eliza's eyes landed on two young kids, a girl and a boy. The girl looked to be maybe four, and the boy seemed to be her age. She pursed her lips, guilt mulling over her as she wondered where their parents were, and if they were homeless or not. But technically so was she.

She looked away, not being able to handle the sight of the two as she continued to walk until the group came to a halt in front of a building. The music was coming from inside. Was Jorge really about to take them to a party of some sort? There were people everywhere, all drunk or acting strange. The music was loud and made Eliza's ears hurt.

"Cmon, they'll be in here." Jorge said, and for some reason, Eliza trusted him. He seemed to know what he was doing.

The group followed him to the entrance of the building, but it was actually just a curtain and there was no door.

"I'll look for your Marcus, an old friend of mine. You guys look for your friend and Brenda, for me." Jorge said, before entering the building, followed by the group of teenagers.

Rather quickly, the group split up. Eliza tried to ignore the stench of alcohol and sweat that lingered throughout the building.

"Hey there, pretty little lady." A man's voice said, and Eliza turned her head towards the source. He looked to be in his twenties, ratty clothes and a small beard. She swallowed thickly before rolling her eyes and turning back around, searching for Thomas.

"Hey, come back!" The man shouted as he grabbed Eliza's waist, pulling her towards him, making her heart drop. She threw her elbow back, hitting him in the nose, making him let go and stumble backwards.

"Fuck off, perv!" Eliza shouted over the music, rushing away and leaving the man with the now bloody nose. She whipped her head around, until her eyes landed on Newt, Minho, Fry and Aris, all making a group effort to try and get Thomas up a set of stairs, meaning they'd found him, which made Eliza let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

She looked around again, and her eyes landed on Teresa, who was walking with Brenda's arm over her shoulder. She made her way over to the two older girls, throwing Brenda's other arm over her shoulder. She looked at the girl, noticing the dark bags under her eyes and how she looked slightly intoxicated.

Eliza brushed it off, and the three girls followed the boys up the stairs until they entered a room, where Jorge was with a blonde man, who was currently tied to a chair. Eliza scrunched her brows in confusion, because she could only assume this was the Marcus that Jorge was talking about, but why was he tied to a chair if they were friends?

Eliza took Brenda, guiding her over to a couch and sitting down beside her as Teresa wandered over to the rest of the group, who were now waiting for Thomas to wake up.

"I suggest that you talk, you son of a bitch!" Jorge shouted at Marcus, before punching him in the face. Okay, so they definitely aren't friends.

"Damn it!" Marcus shouted, and Eliza noticed that Thomas was awake now, and currently standing. "I'm sorry, you're going to have to leave my house."

"Looks like you've been having fun." Newt said sarcastically to Thomas as he stood beside him.

"Listen," Jorge started. "I don't enjoy hurting you. Where is the right arm, Marcus?"

"Wait, this is Marcus?" Thomas asked, confusion lacing his voice.

Marcus chuckled from the chair he was tied to, face bloody and bruised. "Kid catches on quick. Are you the brains of the operation?"

Jorge grabbed the man by his hair, pulling his head back and making him groan. "I know you know where they're hiding. So, you tell me, and I'll make you a deal." Jorge let go. "You can come with us."

"I burned that bridge a long time ago." Marcus said, with another weird laugh. "Besides, I made my own deal. You're the one who taught me, never miss and opportunity."

"What's he talking about?" Newt asked, voicing everyone's thoughts.

"I'm talking about supply and demand." Marcus said. "WCKD wants all the immunes they can get. I help provide that for them. So, I lure the kids in, they get drunk, they have a good time. And then, later, WCKD comes in. They separate the wheat from the chaff." Another sick laugh. Eliza scrunched her face up in disgust. The man was weird and looked gross. Brenda looked disgusted by his words as well.

"I changed my mind, Hermano." Jorge said. "I do enjoy hurting you." He kicked the man and the chair backwards, making him land on the floor before pulling out a gun and kneeling down to press it against Marcus's head. "Talk. Talk!"

"Okay! Jesus!" Marcus choked out. "But I'm not making any promises. These guys like to move around." Jorge lifted the man and the chair back up. "They have an outpost in the mountains. But it's a long way away. You got half of WCKD on your ass. You're never going to make it."

"Not on foot." Jorge said with a smirk. He leant down, both hands on Marcus's shoulders. "Where's Bertha?"

"Not Bertha..."

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