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chapter four,( one down, seven to go

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chapter four,
( one down, seven to go. )

The next day, Eliza was woken up by somebody shaking her. Her eyes shot open, and she suddenly had no idea of her whereabouts. Kneeling beside her was Teresa, the older girl's hand was on Eliza's shoulder as she succeeded in waking her up.

"It's time to go." Teresa said softly, like a mother would to her daughter. The recent events of the night before hit Eliza like a brick, and she suddenly remember meeting her dad and brother, and finding out who her mother was only a day or so earlier. The young girl accepted Teresa's hand, and with the help of the older girl, she stood up, ignoring the sharp pain in her abdomen, that she was so sure would never disappear. Eliza looked around, noticing that the rest of the group were now waking up.

"We should get moving." Thomas said. "Let's pack it up." Eliza heard a groan, and her eyes shot to the source. It was Winston, he had a bandage wrapped around his torso, and she could see purple, black and red seeping through the thin white material. She winced silently at the sight, and she couldn't help but feel bad for the boy as Frypan helped him stand.

She had never been close with Winston, but she still wasn't sure if she could handle any more losses. Eliza ignored the sinking feeling in her gut, and instead followed Thomas and the others, as they climbed over a few large cement slabs, which was a struggle for the young girl, but she pushed through, and when she finally reached the top, the sight in front of her made her purse her lips.

Ruined and abandoned buildings went on for miles, like this place had once been a city but was now nothing but piles of bricks and cement. Eliza didn't even want to know what was inside what was left of the city. So, she just continued to follow the others throughout the ruined city, trying to get as far away from the people known as her family as possible.

"What the hell happened to this place?" Frypan voiced everyone's thoughts.

"I don't even wanna know." Eliza said, staring at the ruins around her.

"It doesn't look like anyone's been here in a long time." Newt said.

"I hope the whole worlds not like this." Aris spoke up. His words gave Eliza a funny feeling. To be completely honest, the whole world probably did look just like this.

"Whoa, whoa, hang on, stop." Thomas said from behind Eliza, making the girl halt and stop to face him, just like everyone else. "Do you hear that?"

Eliza could only now hear it, and it sounded like an aircraft. And it sounded close. WCKD.

"Get down!" Thomas said. "Everybody hide, hide!" He placed a hand on Eliza's back, leading her towards a large slab of cement, and everybody followed their lead, ducking under and crouching down. Eliza did the best she could, ignoring the stabbing pains in her stomach. She instead watched as the aircraft passed by them up in the sky.

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