✧{ Chapter 1 }✧

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Eleven times, I have heard this dreaded noise

It's more of a fear though

I will most likely go insane after this

The water torture as they call it, In a fully white room

I thrash around attempting to cut the tape bondage that was blocking me and my long awaited freedom.


I saw a splint in the wooded ground and I motioned my sorry excuses for hands over to it, and in a quick, yet strong tug I cut the tape around my hands. Only bruising my whole right arm and in the process.


I looked around the blank room desperate to find something that wasn't colourless. I felt my sanity lean off the edge of existing, this room...

So plain,

so blank,

It reminds you of someone.

On the outside, everything to their personality was all happy, colourful, bright.

But on the inside all they really wanted was to use you for their own selfish desires.

What was I just doing right now?

Oh right.

I got up from the wooden board the I was strapped onto and muttered a few curses under my breathe. I motioned my arm to the splinter that cut the tape around my hands a few minutes earlier and hauled it out of the wooden floor.


I picked up the small, yet heavily compact piece of pale alabaster wood and brought it up to my feet, I turned the every so gently frosted piece of wood in different directions trying to find a sharp enough edge.

'There it is!'

I trace the wood over the tape tied around my legs and stabbed it, causing it to tear away.


Once again I cut myself, But seriously what else should you suspect from someone as clumsy as me?

I frowned at the blood that was now spewing out of my wound, 'Maybe I should have been more gentle, but at this point there is no turning back from this'

I tore a part of my short sleeve with the life saving pale coloured piece of wood bringing it down to my left foot while cautiously trying to apply pressure to the wound without hurting myself too much.

Then, my hand slipped.

The wound stung like fire while a single tear rolled down your left cheek .

I internally screamed but bit back the pain as blood was pouring everywhere.


Thinking fast I cupped my hands, forming a bowl shape with them and I scooped up the water from the puddle that had formed from the place where my head was resting earlier.

✧ ▪{ • SILENCE •}▪ ✧        A Countryhumans x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now