✧{ Prologue }✧

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         I ran, I knew that I could not rest here. I had to find somewhere safe from this misery,

       ''Ha! Empty words for me..'' I thought aloud. There was only the slightest chance of getting rid of them once and for all, so little that it was like a distant dream.

I approached my little isolated cottage and I grabbed my keys out of my pocket, for a few moments they fumbled in my hands as I tried continuously not to let them drop into the devious vent below,

       'geez I really need to get a mat to cover this thing up'

Looking into the vent of doom while imagining if I had dropped the keys, I wondered who's idea was it to put a vent at someone's doorsteps? I pushed the key into the keyhole, turned it, then pushed the door open.

"I'm home!' I yelled after I had shut the door behind me wondering what he's up to now. I waited for an answer, but there was none. Listening for footsteps, I placed my bag down and started unpacking  food, weaponry and other types of supplies.

At this point I was worried  Normally he would have came down to greet me, After a while I concluded that he may have not been awake but still decided to go up to his room to check, It had a wooden framed dark oak door with a welcome sign hanging from it. I never bothered to care about it as long as he was happy.

I knocked on the door once, 


I knocked again,

Also nothing.

The door was locked... no surprise there I guess after what happened yesterday. At this point the only thing I could do was wait.
' _____ _____' I called.

No answer.

I was done with waiting, ' What could he be doing now? ', I pressed my ear against the door and I still heard nothing. Normally I would assume that he was sleeping, but after everything that has happened I can't afford to guess

All I can do is sit here hoping for the best even though I know it won't come,

And yet, no one has thought about the impact of this all, or how many lives it might cost, or anything other than their own greed and power. ' But then again don't we all want to known for something? ' . I shook my head slightly, I don't want to be known for anything if I have to bring myself to their level.

Then I finally heard something.

More like someone, 

                                                                                                    And that someone was definitely not my brother.       
My hand instinctively went to the side of my of my belt. I pulled out a dagger for self defense and held it firmly with both off my hands.


    ''Well, If it isn't my old friend'' I heard someone chuckle slightly from behind me.

I froze.

''You!'' I spat bitterly. I spun around and came face to face with the one and only

 Ottoman Empire

      Then and there I would have sliced him with my dagger, but oh how bad of an idea that would have been if I had not realized the gun he was pointing at me.

Absolute dread washed over me as I watch the gun in his hand point directly at my head

" Am I going to die?"

" What about my brother?"

" What did they do to him?"

My brain thought of all the negative things that could have happen,

And then I heard the gun shot


Is this the fate of my brother?


I heard the Ottoman Empire curse something in ottoman Turkish,

The shot wasnt from him and the arm of the Ottoman empire was gushing out blood

But that was not possible, a gun can't penetrate the skin of an empire

Then I realized


This cant be

Someone else was here

Fog started to engulph the room taking away the sense of sight with it,

I took my chances, got up and ran, My brother couldn't be in the cottage alive if these two were in here  

' Did they take them? '. I glanced cautiously over my shoulder, but to my surprise I saw no one.

I ran for a while into the lush, unique beauty of the forest, as a musky smell washed over me blocking my senses.

I sat down behind a nearby bush, breathing heavily

The last thing I saw was a pair of brown polished boots and two sharp yellow eyes staring down at me, then everything blurred as I struggled to stay awake , then no more I could see.





I looked up from the country that lay ever so peacefully on the dark, blunt grass. I smirked slightly, as I reached for a walkie-talkie,

" Sir,

 I got'em "

    Finally, I have finished the prologue. Please excuse all of my grammar mistakes, I'm not very good in grammar

Y/n or [y/n] will be shown in the first chapter

Word count  : 830

✧ ▪{ • SILENCE •}▪ ✧        A Countryhumans x Reader StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora