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chapter four( surviving over sanity

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chapter four
( surviving over sanity. )

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." Eliza said aloud, her hands balled up in fists as she walked around as if she was in a rush. She didn't know whether it was because it was dark, or because she was on the verge of a panic attack, but Eliza had absolutely zero clue where she was. "Okay, just think." She said, pressing the palms of her hands against her eyes, trying so hard to think, but she just couldn't.

It was too late to turn back now, she had run so far and turned so many corners, and because it was dark, she currently was lost. But she knew that even if she did go back, surely Thomas would have had the common sense to run. Eliza could hear the maze changing, and grievers screeching in the distance. And she felt like she was about to go insane.

Eliza kept walking at a fast pace, turning another corner, trying to be as quiet as possible just in case she ran into any grievers. That's when she saw it, a griever, a few meters ahead. Eliza whimpered, which was an immediate regret, because it grabbed the attention of the griever straight away. 

She turned on her heel, sprinting in the opposite direction. She heard the griever screech from behind her, and Eliza could practically feel the ground shake as it chased after her. She could feel her heart pound as she continued to run. Eliza stopped, whipping her head around in search for a place to hide. Hint: there wasn't one.

That was when she felt it. She felt as if someone was standing right behind her, like they were breathing down her neck. Eliza turned around, to see what was behind her. She whimpered when she realized. Standing less than a meter behind her was a griever. Eliza didn't even have time to react, before the creature screeched, and she was forced to accept what was about to come.

The griever lunged forward, plunging one of its claws inside her abdomen. Eliza let out an ear-piercing scream as her body began to feel like it was one fire. The griever retracted its claw, growling once more. She gasped, over and over again, trying to catch her breath, even though she wasn't out of breath. She fell backwards, landing on the maze floor with a thud. She tried to back away from the griever, but it just came back for round two, sending the same claw into her abdomen again.

Eliza let out an ear-piercing scream of both pain and fear. Her eyes glanced over to the side, noticing a rather large stick laying near her. She reached her arm out, and after a few seconds, she finally got it in her grasp, bringing it up, and hitting the arm that was attached to the claw, until it came clean off, and she knew there was still a small piece of the grievers claw inside her, but she didn't truly care about that at that point.

The griever screeched, and to Eliza's surprise, it turned around and sprinted the other way, as if nothing had ever happened. She rolled herself onto her stomach, and she began to try to pull herself into a sitting position. It was no use, though, so she began to army crawl towards the wall. But that was where she gave up.

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