Chapter Five

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Kate set her backpack down very slowly, and as quietly as possible hopping to avoid any tension. She would deal with a screaming match tomorrow, now she was just too tired. But as the Gods would have it, the blonde woman was not to rest today. The dark room was suddenly full of lights

"Found your way home?" came the snarky comment that Kate was not looking forward too

"Dinner is at night." she justified rolling her eyes, not showing any remorse which obviously upset the dark haired man even more.

"So what! I need to know where you are when you are going to dissapear like that."

Kate put a hand on the back of her neck rolling her shoulders, suddenly realizing how tense she was from the ordeal. An ordeal she was never going to talk about with Max of all people "I was with a friend. Happy?"

"Which friend?" 

"You wouldn't know them."

"I would love to meet them if my wife-"

"Not yet."

"- thinks they are important enough to ghost me like that."

"You won't be meeting them and stop acting like a little house wife waiting to be given attention and getting mad when they don't get it, Max." Kate shot back, loving the deflated look on his face"It's pathetic." a giggle graced her soft like venom words.

"Now, I'm going to bed." she informed strictly, turning her back on him making to make her way out  of the living room.  

"The friend of yours tired you out?" came one last attempt to a fight Kate had no interest in.

"You have no idea."

Once inside her room Kate sighed happily at getting some alone time, finally. Taking a look around the ridiculously gigantic room (perks of being engaged into a rich family), glad that everything was just as she had left it. Her clothes were abandoned on the floor, and most of her things she had thrown around when she received the panicked call from Wes who had clearly been fighting a panic attack and was crying. 

It would be annoying to clean it up but she would rather do it herself than have the maids do it and meddling with her things. The blonde always had a specific organizing system that helped her with finding the things she needed at a moments notice which made her most comfortable in her own space. Even when things where messy, they were an organized mess. Yeah, there was no denying she was a bit of a control freak though she didn't even feel bad about it.

What she did feel bad about was the fact she had to clean up this mess at- Kate turned her head to look at the holographic clock on her night stand and sighed- 5 in the morning. Making her way to the bathroom she happy to see that it wasn't as bad as she thought but it would still be a lot of work. Maybe if she didn't sleep she could tidy up and also give herself more time for Sonnie.

 A look in the mirror, made her cross out the idea. 

She looked like hell.

"After I sleep." she decided, falling on the bed without even removing her clothes.

Sonnie was also looking at herself in the mirror of their small bathroom. Usually they stayed in hotels since they were traveling almost every week for a new tournament so there was no need for a bigger accomodation. Her hands gripped the sides of the faucet so hard her knuckles turned white against her tanner complexion. She was restless, she tried to sleep in her human body but she couldn't. That resulted in her now being plagued by thousands of thoughts of how her reality would be like now. She wasn't sure if it was because of her brain being placed in another body or if it was just from the horrendous memories of what happened. 

Sonnie did not know which was worse. But whatever it was she needed to make peace with it, both her new body and the reason she ended up in it. 

Kate had said she would fix every little flaw, and Sonnie could not lie; she believed her. In fact, she had blind trust in her so she would try to sleep again. It proved to be to no avail, and as she laid awake with Ivrina and Wes sleeping in the next room, she fought off tears.  When some managed to spill from her eyes, betraying her feelings, she hurriedly wiped them away before she got up and through the dark made her way out of their little 'home' and towards the Van. The red led lights on the inside made her blink a couple of times, trying to get used to the sudden brightness. When she could finally focus her vision, she watched Khanivore from the entrance of the lab as it reacted to her presence, and that wasn't the only thing it was reaction to. The beastie looked sad, and unlike Sonnie, the sadness was clear in its face. 

It was weird, seeing her emotions from afar like that. Growing up it was just and her dad, the man had always loved her and never made her feel like a burden but as she was growing up the pilot decided to start keeping her emotions to herself. For her dad, so she wouldn't add extra shit to his already full plate. Now, she had nowhere to run- and she didn't want to.

Making her way to stand in front of Khanivore the scarred woman looked at Khanivore directly, and it looked back at her just as challengigly. They remained like that for a while, bordeline glaring at their other form when Sonnie's features started to relax, and she placed a hand on the glass.

Sonnie refused to cry- why would she cry? Other people have it worse, at least she is alive and besides, she wasn't going to give those assholes power over her or her life. This was her life, and she had faced lots of difficulties, like always she had prevailed. Because there is one thing she knew, a thing that other people always tried to avoid and deny; fear. Sonnie had realized that if she accepted her fear, then she could prevail. 

With a sigh, the woman leaned her head forward, her forehead resting on the cold glass, her short dark bangs tickling her skin and she decided. 

She would, once more, accept her fear, no need to deny a part of her nature. And she would prevail. It's what she did.

The beastie leaned its head on the glass too. 

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Sooooo, this was clearly me trying to write Sonnie's character correctly as it was shown in the episode. Dont know if it worked but I tried my best lmao.

In general this chapter is mostly the characters indivitually so i can establish them as their own characters and personalities outside of their romance ( hence the mean Kate we got to see. )


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