Chapter Six

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Kate stumbled, trying to get ready and look as presentable as possible for Max's parents. She was going to do what she always did: pretend. Pretend being with Max, even though she wasn't even interested in men, pretend to be excited for the wedding but sad enough that she had to postpone it due to work and feeling like this was an improper age to get married.

Pretend she didn't fucking hate the lot of them.

The rich ass fuckers seating across from her, in their expensive clothing, thinking that they somehow made them better than the rest of the people they so easily looked down upon. As if they had left a mark to put them aside from the rest, as if they were more capable, or unique. Her father, her sweet, sweet father wearing his usual priest attire also thinking he was somehow in a higher position in his God's eyes for wearing black, and 'serving' the God.

Please, Kate wanted to laugh at their patheticness. Being this useless and yet this full of themselves.

This game of her hating them and hoping for their heads to explode was something the blonde did at every dinner, it was the only thing that could keep her sane in those boring hours. This dinner was perhaps a bit different, for as everyone chatted with each other she had time to think of Sonnie. The new project was definitely much more entertaining, and Sonnie much prettier than the people she had in front of her. Kate tried not to think about that last part too hard.

She would give a million dollars to be alone, working to covering all the blank spots she had about Sonnievore....


Sonnie had spend the entire night in the van, going through some notes Kate had left behind with a cigarette in her hand. Ever so thoughtful the girl was proving her self to be an angel. She had taken extra time to write down theories, sensitivities she had spotted and left questions that had yet to be answered.

The most important question (which was highlighted with neon blue) appeared to be regarding Sonnie's ability to sense pain and how that might expand to other senses. The pilot almost felt embarrassed that someone she didn't even properly know questioned her .... functions. Leaning her had back to the chair she put the papers on the desk, rubbing her face with her free hand, while being careful to not pop her stitches.

But the embarrassment subsided, and dread washed over her.

What if she actually couldn't feel anything?

That possibility terrified her more than she ever thought it would. It's not like in her twenty three years of living on this earth the possibility of being completely numb to good or bad physical situations had ever crossed her mind. Why would it? Shit like that didn't happen from one day to the next. Except it did, and it happened to her.

Fix Me Up (SONNIE'S EDGE || LOVE, DEATH + ROBOTS)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt