Chapter 3 | Practice Papers

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We got detention.

Mr. Wilson said he expected more from me.

'HAHA. His reaction was priceless, when I came in he was like.. oh, Jaxon Williams, no surprise there, then he was all: Sadie Parker? Late? No way!!' Jaxon cackles.

Yes, actually cackles. He sounds like a witch with a sore throat.

'I don't sound like a witch with a sore throat!' Jaxon exlaims.

'I said that out loud?!' I ask, and Jax just glares at me.

We were at Dip. After an hour of detention, Jax and I were in desperate need of milkshakes and, as usual, Luna and Jax got into an argument about-'

'I still think vanilla cupcakes are better-' He states.

'Please don't start,' I groan.

I take a sip of my milkshake. 'Why do I feel like I'm doing something wrong?'

'Strawberries are not made for milkshakes-'

'Shut up.'

'You gonna get that?' He asks, gesturing my phone. It was vibrating silently.

'Right.' I check my phone's caller ID.


No. No. No.

'I can't believe I forgot!' I jump up and start stuffing all my stuff into my bag, my books, pens, and binders.

I turn to Jax. 'I need you to take me home.'

'What, why-'

'I'll explain later. Your car keys.' He throws them toward me and rushes to the counter to pay. I run towards Jax's precious blue Mercedes Benz. I turn it on and sit in the passenger seat. He gets in and takes of, panting for all the running.

'Care to explain?' He asks, breathing heavily.

'Today is family study day.' I reply shortly. 'Go faster!'

'I'm not getting put into jail because of you.'

As soon as we reach my house. Jax and I dash to the front door.

'Now before I ring the door-' He rings the doorbell.

'You're dead, Williams.'

'You are.' He says. He nods his head towards the door, where my mom is standing there, hands on hips, lips pursed and steam blowing from her ears.


'Hey mother, what's up?' I say innocently.

'Whats.. Up? I don't know Sadie Grace Parker, you tell me.' She replies and I gulp.

'Ooh, middle name.' Jax whispers and I slap his arm.

'Mom.. I can explain-'

'Mrs. Parker, if I may interrupt, the reason behind our lateness, was actually, Sadie's idea.' Jax interferes. My eyes widen.

I'm in enough trouble as it is!

'You see, she had this brilliant idea of going to each one of our teachers, and ask them for practice papers.' He continues. 'And so we did.'

I groan internally. My mom's a lawyer, she can see through lies.

'You thought of that Sadie?' My mom turns to me.

'Yes?' I reply hestitantly.

There's a moment of silence while my mom looks back and forth between Jax and I. I can feel him holding his breath from beside me.

Mom breaks the silence. 'Great idea Sadie! Why don't you and Jax go and fill those papers in and I can correct them when you are done?'

'Of course we will, Mrs. Parker.' Jax grabs my hand and runs to my room, bolting the door behind us.

He grins at me. 'I'm amazing.'

'Your ego needs deflating.' I tell him.


'What now? We don't have practice papers.'

'You dont, I do.' He pulls out a folder from his bag and hands it to me. 'There you go.'

I match his grin. 'You are amazing.'

'Uh.. I know.'



I'm sorry this was a short chapter, but I'll make it up to you in the next one.

I'm feeling generous. Double Update today.



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