Chapter 2 | Memory

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Lucas Edwards's show is in a week and I still have no one to go with. And I can't not go.

Do I have to go?

No I don't.

Yes I do.

No, he's just a boy.

An extremely good-looking boy.

God, shut up.

'Uh, earth to Sadie Parker.' Jaxon's annoying voice interrupts my conversation with myself.

That doesn't make sense.

'Anyway, since Elliana is not going to the show, and Luna isn't in town, who you going with Say? Say? SADIE!'

Yes, I drifted off to Mars again.

'Stop yelling Jax. I heard you the first time-'

He gives me a look.

'-The last time.' I correct myself.

He seems satisfied with my answer. 'So?'

'No idea.' I say.

It was lunch. Jax, Luna and I are having lunch in the courtyard as usual. I was doing some last minute studying while sipping hot chocolate, Jax was eating waffles, and Luna was snoring with her head on the table.

'But I'm not missing it, and I'm not letting you cancel your plans.' I add once he opens his mouth to retort.

He groans. 'You're so stubborn, what if I want to go with you?'

'Well, I don't, sorry.' I shoot him an apologetic smile when he pouts.

'Ugh, fine, whatever. Luna? What do you think?' Jax turns to her hidden sleeping form and waits for her answer. 'Luna?'


'WHY ISN'T ANYONE LISTENING TO WHAT I SAY?' He yells, jumping to his feet, knocking his chair down in the process. His obnoxious yell caught the eye of many students and they were shooting us dirty looks. I fix his chair and turn to Jax, glaring at him.

'Jax, sit down, Luna's-' I hiss at him, trying to push his tall frame back into his chair.


Finally, Sleeping Beauty awakens from her nap and snaps at Jax. Her face looks exhausted, probably because she was up until three in the morning doing an essay when she had a whole week to do it.

'I was asleep,' Luna adds, 'Emphasis on the word was,' She shoots daggers at Jax, who was now huffing in his seat, his hands folded across his chest. 'I swear like anyone could sleep when your abnoxiously, loud, annoying voice is rambling nonsense' She retorts.

'I'm sorry, 'Miss I'm so perfect', we don't all have your angelic voice.' He shoots back sarcastically.

'You little-'

'Enough.' I raise my voice at the two kids in front of me. 'You're juniors, not preschoolers.'

That shuts them up.

For now.

'Oh em gee. Sadie!' An overly excited voice squeals from behind me. I can already see Luna and Jax glaring at them from behind me.

Angelina Jones. My 'best friend' in kindergarden. My enemy since first grade.

'Angelina.' I mutter.

She gives me one of the most fakest smiles I have ever seen. 'How have you been, childhood bestie?' She flutters her fake lashes and grins evilly. I hear Jax growl from beside me.

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