Chapter XIII (Flora)

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A further three days have passed. You've spent them mostly in Felicia's company, as you did the two before.

Today however, you're attending the funeral services for your fallen brothers and sisters. Tis only right after so many lost their lives in the most recent battle. Miss Flora is with you, too. Word of her sister's injuries having reached her the day before last, she rushed to the Astral Plane from their native home in the Ice Tribe Village to support her. The two of you have been almost inseparable since.

Though stoic, Felicia's sister is a kind woman. That besides, you carry a feeling of immense familiarity the longer you're with her. It's as though you know her from somewhere long ago, although you know that cannot be the case. Tis probably just your mind playing tricks.

Something you can't ignore however is how she has doted on you today. Every door you've walked through she has opened for you. When you wanted to stop for a quick drink, she insisted on taking you to the canteen here in Fort Dawnlight. Once there, she sat you down and made the most wonderful cup of Hoshidan green tea you've ever tasted. Indeed, she has been kind to you beyond words.

"May this child of Hoshido return to the warmth of our beloved Light Dragon, now and always," the shrine maiden leading the service recites, freeing you from recollection's embrace. Ahead of you and Flora, a pair of acolytes carefully place a body wrapped in white ceremonial cloth into a grave. Laid sitting atop the deceased's chest as they are given to the earth is a sheathed katana - a Hoshidan tradition for a samurai.

The same burial your father received many long years ago, also.

You and Flora honor fallen warrior with a deep bow of your heads. "In the Light Dragon's name," you both pray.

Placed into the hole, the head shrine maiden moves onto the next fallen soul. There are six more holes dug. These rights are like to continue for a while. Sighing softly, you shake your head. Misery hangs in your stomach - a sea ship's anchor.

"This war has gone on for too long," you lament at a whisper.

Flora takes your hand, knotting your fingers with hers. You present her a weak smile as payment - a gesture she returns. Her grip tightens, the maid providing your digits a supportive squeeze. Together, the two of you return your attention to the service.

Funerals having finished for today, you and Flora are together in the canteen. A large hall, several rows of wooden benches placed at its center. There are enough seats to accommodate much of the Astral Plane's (greatly reduced) garrison. Many sets smaller circular tables with simple chairs dot wide-open hall's sides. In the left-hand corner opposite from the door is a kitchen area with surfaces for food preparation, and a stove.

You're sitting at a bench nearest the kitchen while Flora busies herself preparing food, the maid having insisted earlier on making sandwiches for yours and her sister's dinner - herself included. While you were adamant she not waste time making anything for your dinner, she was quite adamant on doing so: because you spent the day in her company.

However, the blue-haired lassie has looked lost in deep contemplation since she finished fetching provisions. It's as though she isn't quite here.

"Is everything alright?" You call over to her, concerned for her wellbeing.

"It is, yes," the maid nods, her eyes down as she's busy chopping up vegetables "Although..." She pauses her cutting for the moment and sets down her knife. A hand raised to her chest, she clutches her heart. Her expression becomes dour. "All of those poor men and women we buried today, I can't stop about how many there were. And how many more there will be before our feud with Nohr finally ends."

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