Chapter XII (Shattered)

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"Keiji," Felicia shouts, parrying a swing from Selena. "Go on! You can do it! I'm here to support you!"

Invigorated by your beloved's encouragement, you lunge at Charlotte. You must to defeat her if you hope to push these Nohrian sadists back. The countless fallen soldiers scattered all around serve to fuel your inner-fire. Too many good people lost their lives this day. Many more will follow unless you stand.

Indeed, the only way is forward. For Hoshido. For your departed father. For Lady Corrin.

You'll never see another sunrise if you die here. You can't let that happen.

Swinging your katana wide, you push Charlotte onto the defensive. "Dammit!" she barks, levelling a hateful scowl. "What's with you?! It's like you're a totally different person this time." Teeth gritted and eyes trained upon you, she leaps in for another swing.

Whatever she fights for, you won't be deterred by her rage. You sidestep, your senses sharpened.

"Damn you, you bastard!" the blonde screams, red-faced and furious. "Stop weaving around!"

You're getting into her head. Good. Now all you have to do is wait for an opening.

Jumping backward, you land several feet clear from your foe.

"Alright! That's it!" Axe held overhead, Charlotte rushes you with a berserker's battle cry. "You're done!"

Urgency ignites in your mind. You need to move out of the way, now. A second too slow and you're dead. But if you can just draw Charlotte a little closer first. Closer. Closer still.

"Got you," you say calmly, sidestepping. Charlotte's mighty axe crashes down into the concrete path beside you, cracking it.

Now, she's wide open. You inhale and exhale to center yourself. In and out.

Ready, you toss your blade to the floor and lunge. Twisting a leg outward in a sharpened kick, you shunt your boot into the girl's side, hard.

Charlotte snarls with pain and crashes to bloodied ground in a heap, her axe clanking to the concrete beside her. Laid sideways, she curls into a ball and clutches her side. You quickly reclaim your discarded katana and stand over her. You will be her judge, and her executioner.

"D-Damn you..." The bested lassie spits red, her expression distorted with pain. "M-My rib- Dammit!" She desperately tries to struggle onto her knees, but can't manage it. Again and again, she attempts getting up, anguished tears streaming down her cheeks by the third attempt. "I-I can't go out like this," she laments. Finally, and through sheer will alone, the blonde lifts up and shakily supports herself on all fours.

You raise your sword, ready to deliver the killing blow.

As you bring down your steel however, Charlotte chokes out a frightened sob. "Momma, Papa, I let you down," she whispers, crying.

Your blade stalls an inch from her neck. The conversation shared with Corrin over dinner flashes through your thoughts.

"I want to believe there's a way we can do it - to see people of Nohrian and Hoshidan upbringings together."

You understand the meaning of her words with greater clarity, here and now. At least you think you do.

"A kinder world," you utter thoughtfully, retracting your blade from Charlotte's neck.

For Corrin, a kinder world is one where Hoshidans and Nohrians exist as one. For you, such a world would be one where the common folk need not suffer through endless wars without purpose. A lofty goal, but one which can only be reached through effort.

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