Chapter IV (Frustration)

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Sometimes after a long day a man needs to take the edge off and you can't think of any better way than sharing a drink with a friend. If there's anyone you can rely on to lift your spirits, it has to be Subaki. He's a man with charisma enough to lift an entire army's spirits if need be.

Not to mention he can certainly handle his wine, too.

Determined to take the lead, you slam your empty bottle down on the table. "And there's two!" you sound up confidently, opening the top two buttons of your undershirt to cool off. "Let's see you top that, Mister Best and Brightest!"

"And top it I shall," Subaki declares suavely, leaning back into his chair and folding his arms. "But first of... I hear somebody's been spending lots of time with Miss Felicia. How's that been going for you, I wonder?"

"Fine," you answer plainly, disregarding her affectionate gesture earlier. She was probably getting carried away with herself. Yes, that has to be it. "She's a fine friend, and the two of us see much more of each-other now that we both serve Lady Corrin in some capacity."

"I'll bet," Subaki says teasingly, smirking. "And I'll also bet you've been on your best behaviour, haven't you?"

You know where he's going, and you won't rise to it. "The finest, yes. I have to keep my mind clear of distractions, especially since Lord Ryoma has entrusted me with his sister's safety like this." And as much as you'd like to be open about your feelings for Corrin, it's out of the question.

"Sure you are, Keiji, sure," Subaki waves off your straight-laced answer, popping the cork on your next bottle. He passes it across to you, and you can't help but notice his smile fade. "...But what of Hana...?"

Your stomach jitters, and a shiver runs down your spine. Now you feel gloomy. "...What of her?"

The Sky Knight smiles cautiously. "...Have the two of you tried repairing things at all since-"

"No." You shake your head. "What's done is done. I let her down. And besides..." You pause and knock back a mouthful of wine, basking in the burn. "She deserves far better than I could ever give her. I can't change the past... but I'd like to think I can make a difference for the future. Especially now."

"Fair enough... Because Lord Ryoma has an eye on you, I'm guessing?"

"Right." You pass the bottle. Subaki takes a swig. "In time His Lordship may assign me greater tasks, and if that means I can take the fight to those Nohrian murderers in the process, I'm happy. Doing so would help me avenge my father at the very least. As for what they did to Hana..."

"You still blame yourself, don't you, Keiji?" Subaki passes the bottle, looking quietly displeased with himself. You take a second, larger swig of the wine.

You put the bottle down on the table. Hanging your head, you exhale deeply. "...More than you realize."

Desperate to forget, you recall your evening with Corrin. She's like a cleansing breeze. Whenever you're with her, your bitterness fades.

"I think you've had a few too many, Keiji," Subaki half admonishes and half laughs, his arm around your middle to keep you upright.

"O-Only t-three," you slur. "Jus three..."

"Three bottles, Keiji," the Sky Night clarifies. "Gods, I don't envy your head in the morning."

"It'll all be fiiiine. All fine!" To Hell with the morning. You're having fun!

"We'll see, friend. Now, let's get you out into the fresh air."

Right! Air! Air is good. Y-You just need to... to reach the goddamn door first. Dang thing is - it's all the way across the room!

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