Chapter II (Sunrise)

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"Hey there... Keiji?" Corrin's voice echoes in your ears. "Can you hear me? Wake up, sleepy head."

You don't want to move even with an angel calling out to you. You could stay like this in sleep's embrace forever. The desire to remain in the world of the dreaming keeps your head to the pillow. It takes you deeper and deeper like a siren's song. It wouldn't be wrong to nap for just a little longer, would it?

"Hey. Heeeey, Keiji," Corrin continues. Her finger boops your nose, bursting the sweet bubble keeping you afloat. "C'mon now... I have to return to my quarters before sunrise. If someone were to see me here then there'd be all kinds of whispers going around."

You open your eyes and are greeted by your dear princess. She's smiling at you groggily, her hair scruffy from hours asleep beside you. "Good morning, my sleepy soldier," she greets you with a precious chuckle. "I was beginning to wonder if you'd wake."

The way Corrin looks at you fills your heart with gladness the likes of which you haven't felt in a very long time. Sure, you've warmed the beds of a few tavern girls in recent months. But never before has a waking greeting felt as wholesome as this. So complete. It's Corrin's eyes, you feel. They're immensely deep and compassionate. You'd do anything to gaze into her silver orbs each morning. Even fight a Faceless single-handed.

You sit as upright as you can while tangled up with the princess. Then you groan sleepily. "Do forgive me, milady. Good sleep is rare for me, so I treasure it when I can."

"It's fine," Corrin reassures with a kiss to the tip of your nose, "though we really should get up."

"Agreed. Time waits for no man." You untangle yourself from the princess and wrestle with the sheets, Corrin yelping playfully as your hand brushes against her behind. "Forgive me. My hand slipped." You lose balance while trying to get up and your face damn near going into her bosom, earning you another more spirited yelp. Pulling free from such delightful pillows, you're left flustered. "This damn bed... I am so sorry, milady."

"Worry not, it's fine!" Corrin says playfully, sticking out her tongue at you.

Alright. The princess isn't angry, that's all good and well. She's stifling a fit of laughter, even.

Escaping the labyrinth of your futon, you shake your sleep-clouded head clear and take a deep breath to awaken your senses.

You watch from the corner of your eye while Corrin dresses. She starts by slipping her frilly undergarments back on. Then she collects her discarded nightgown and brings the straps of her over her small ivory shoulders.

Oh yes. Your lot in life has certainly improved. After all, here you are - blessed to learn new things about Hoshido's dragon princess every day.

She's clumsy.

She barely knows her left from her right before the coming of the Noon hour.

She's actually quite the tease, though you never would have guessed until last night.

And most interestingly of all? She hums tunes before drifting off to sleep.

"Are you getting dressed?" Corrin asks with a brow raised.

"Of course, milady," you answer, snapped from your quiet admiration. "It's probably best I don my Samurai clothes. Though it might be best I take my time."

"Why?" Corrin tilts her head like a lost puppy, confused by your logic. "Wouldn't taking longer lead to more problems.

"No. This way, at least if somebody sees us, I can make it appear as though escorting you somewhere."

"Ohhhhh." Your explanation looks like the world's largest revelation to Corrin. "I see. A sound idea."

You can't stop a rogue snigger, no matter how hard you try.

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