Story Telling (Pt.9)

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Ok real talk 100 READS!?!?!?!?!



Jonathon: BACK IN TIME?!?!

Luke: Yup.

Jonathon: I'm so confused

Luke 2: Don't be!


Luke 2: I'm Luke!

Jonathon: Ohh your the other Luke...

Luke 2: Anyways got to go tea is in fact ready so bah bye!

Luke 2 now disappears without a trace.

Jonathon: Anyways...

Luke: Back to the story?

Jonathon: Yes please.

Luke 2: How about you yes deez nuts.

Luke: Just leave...

Luke 2: Ok sorry.


Luke: I guess I could try to fly instead of running

Luke then tries to fly for 1 hour

Luke 2: Bro are you stupid?

Luke: What?

Luke 2: You can't just fly with ez.

Luke 2: You got to concentrate your energy on your feet!

Luke: OHHH that makes so much more sense now.

Luke: But there's a problem...

Luke 2: You can't control it huh.

Luke: Yeah-

Luke 2: To do it you got to concentrate and think only about your feet.

Luke: Oooook and then?

Luke 2: And then you start flying ez! That's how I do it.

Luke then starts to fly with ez.

Luke 2: Ok I kinda feel jealous on how this guy learned it this fast.

Luke 2: ANYWAYS see ya got to feed my pet dragon- wait what?!

Luke: YOU GOT A PET DRAGON?!?!?!?!

Luke 2: Shit someone knows...

Luke: Is it big?!

Luke 2: Of course anyways got to go so bah bye.

Luke: Bye I guess.


Jonathon: HE HAS A PET DRAGON?!?!?!

Luke 2: Yeah I do got a problem with that?

Jonathon: No I don't its really cool dude!

Luke 2: She gets grumpy sometimes when I'm not there to see her.

Luke and Jonathon: Its a she?!?!

Luke 2: Yup

Luke 2: Anyways, gotta go kill some demons in hell see you tomorrow!

Luke 2 leaves in a red looking portal with a double barrel shotgun.

Luke and Jonathon: WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!

Luke: ANYWAYS back to the story...


Luke 2 jumped really high leaving a big crater in the floor.

Luke: How strong is this guy?

Luke: How strong am I?!

Luke starts walking the battlefield to see how strong he is.

Luke: I should learn one day on how to play an instrument.

Luke 2: I could teach you.

Luke jumped backwards in fear.


Luke 2: XD

Luke 2: I could teach the piano.

Luke: Geez you know everything...

Luke 2: Yeah like you cried for your mom when you were 30 years old.


Luke 2 started to laugh so loud that the earth started to shake.

Luke: How the hell is your freaking laugh that loud?!

Luke 2: I really don't know.

Luke: Anyways gotta see my strength-

Luke then saw Jack in the distance with a gun.

Jack: LUUUUUUUUUUUUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luke 2: Uhhhh is this guy dumb?

Luke: He's my best friend... UHHH WHAT IS HE DOING?!

Jack then takes a .50 Cal sniper and starts shooting Luke


Luke: Is it me or that .50 Cal sniper does not hurt at all?

Luke 2: Not just you bud.

Luke: Lemme just go up to him and SPARTA KICK him to fucking brazil.

Luke walks up to Jack with Anger.

Luke: THIS. IS. SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jack gets sent to space with the speed of light.

Luke 2: Now that! is true comedy!


What the fuck is going on at this point in this fucking story...

ANYWAYS thank you for reading Pt.9 of this awesome story!

Also when I'm done with this story, if you want to, you can remake it!

Your choice tho!

-LeEpicLuke :D

The story of Luke the protogenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang