Story Telling (Pt.7)

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You people are fuckin lovin this book what the fuck?!



Jonathon: Wait how is your city still there?

Luke: Idk they probably took a copy of the earth in 2022 maybe...

Jonathon: Ok anyways can you continue?

Luke: Sure.


As he was going in the city he saw two beings that did not look like normal humans. They could FUCKING FLY!

Luke: What the fuck?!

???: Let's leave there's nothing interesting here.

They left by going inside some sort of portal

Luke: Ok well that was awkward...

Luke then walked around and realized that the glowing rock was glowing the more he walked to the direction of the best buy he used to work at!

Luke: Jesus this thing is bright!

Because of the rock, he couldn't see his surroundings so he tripped and broke the rock.

Luke: SHIT!

The rock then was in 5 different pieces.

Luke: No no NO NO NO!

Then suddenly the pieces of the rock became even brighter.


It was so bright that the light can brighten the universe. So he decided to grab one piece. After he grabbed it, the light of the rock went inside of his hands. His hands became completely white but they weren't glowing. Then all the rock's light when inside of his hand but still no glow.

Luke: What is happening right now?!

Luke: Hey reader do you know what's going on?! Cuz I don't know.

Luke: Did I get powers or something let's try lifting... Aha! this boulder over there!

Luke lifts the boulder with ez.

Luke: I guess I did?

Luke then throws the boulder at 1,000 Mph into space.

Luke: This is so much fun!

Luke then starts to run 100,000 mph with a trail of lightning behind him.


Luke then punches an Ikea to space and then wonders.

Luke: Can I do a kamehameha?!

Luke said that with a huge grin on his face.

Luke: KA.

Luke: ME.

Luke: HA.

Luke: ME.


A huge beams forms on his hands and destroys everything in its path and does a big hole on the mountain in front.

Luke: THAT WORKED WHAT THE FUUUUUUUCK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

???: Who are you?

Luke then turns around and see the people that were here for something.

Luke: First tell me who you are then ill tell you who I am


Jonathon: YOU DID A KAME?!

Luke: Yup and I just recently learned how to fly.

Jonathon: This fuckin thing went into another level!

Luke: Anyways its 4 am lets go to bed come on.

Jonathon: Fiiiiinnnneee...

Luke: Jonathon your 20 years old don't act like a 5 year old.

Jonathon: And you stop acting like my dad geez.

Luke and Jonathon started to laugh then they fell asleep again in seconds.

The story of Luke the protogenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें