Chapter 2

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"You yourself aren't affected by it. The people around you are. The people left behind are the ones in pain. You're gonna end up watching over them in spirit form and regret what you've done. You'll see all your loved ones sad and crying, but you can't comfort them cause you're gone. So, please, take my hand."

Jungkook thought about it. His father would be sad if he lost Jungkook. Him and Jungkook are the closest to each other, like his father was to his best friend, Jungkook's aunt, before she passed away. He saw how sad his father was when he heard the news of her death. She had died in a factory accident. Jungkook didn't want his father to be sad like that again. Jungkook turns back to the young man who still had his hand out for him. Jungkook sighs and reaches out his hand to him. Their hands touch and Jungkook grips it as he turns around so he can climb back.

"Slowly," the young man says. Jungkook is turned and starts to climb back over the rail. Just as he stepped his last step, his foot slipped.


Jungkook slips and almost would have fallen off the boat if he wasn't holding the man's hand. Jungkook screams in shock as the man tries to pull him up. Jungkook's scream alarms his father and he makes his way over to it. Meanwhile, the man was still holding Jungkook's hand. 

"I got you," he says. The man then tries to pull him up as Jungkook grips him with both hands. He manages to get him up to him and wraps his arm around Jungkook's chest, pulling him close and onto the other side of the rail. They both fall to the ground out of breath, staring up into the sky. Jungkook not really caring that the man was holding him in his arms still. He grips onto him. Just then, Jungkook hears a voice calling out his name. They both look up to find Mr. Jeon with guards behind him. Mr. Jeon grabs Jungkook, pulling him close while the guards pick up the man, gripping him by his arms.

"Are you ok Jungkook?" Mr. Jeon asked worried.

"Yeah dad, I'm fine," Jungkook replied. Mr. Jeon turned to the man being held by the guards.

"What did you do to my son?"

"Dad, he didn't do anything. I wasn't paying attention and almost fell off the railing, but he grabbed me just in time," Jungkook says quickly. Mr. Jeon looks to Jungkook before looking back at the man.

"Is that true?"

"Yes sir," he said. "I was just passing by and saw him leaning against the railing. He had then slipped and I grabbed him before he fell in the water, which I have to say, is really cold. You could freeze over in minutes."

"What is your name boy?"

"Taehyung. Kim Taehyung."

Mr. Jeon signals the guards to let him go. Then he says, "Sorry for reacting the way I did."

"It's alright."

"I want to thank you for saving my son."

"You don't have to."

"But I want to. Why don't you have lunch with us tomorrow? Please, I want to repay you."

"Alright, I'll go," Taehyung says after thinking for a while.

"Thank you so much. Come on Jungkook."

Jungkook nods. He gives Taehyung one last glance before leaving with his father. Taehyung just smiles and goes back to his room where Bogum was waiting for him.

The Next Day

Taehyung enters the dining hall and notices how big the place was. Every rich man and woman were there. He was glad Mr. Jeon sent him one of his suits as he didn't really have any due to him being poor and all. He spots Jungkook and Mr. Jeon sitting at a table together. He makes his way over and Jungkook is the first to notice him. Jungkook smiles and stands up to greet him.

"Hello Taehyung," Jungkook says excitedly.

"Hello Jungkook. You seem happier than you did last night," Taehyung whispered. 

"That's because of you. Come sit down."

Taehyung sat down with them and they all talked. Mr. Jeon watched as Jungkook seemed really happy with Taehyung. More than he is when they were at home. Mr. Jeon believed they would become great friends on this trip. Luckily Mrs. Jeon wasn't here, she was talking with some other people or else she would have asked Taehyung a lot of questions like 'who are your parents?' 'How rich are you?' 'What work your parents do?' A lot of questions that Taehyung wouldn't be able to answer. Taehyung would have still been rich if his parents didn't die.

After lunch, Mr. Jeon tells Taehyung and Jungkook to go walk around the boat and have fun as he knew that Jungkook needed it after hearing about his arranged marriage. They go to the side of the ship and sees people talking to each other. It was mostly rich people around. The poor would usually come out later in the day when all the rich people are inside. Jungkook and Taehyung stared out into the ocean in amazement. Just then, Bogum comes up to them.

"Taehyung," Bogum called out. Taehyung turns and sees him coming towards them. He then hugs Bogum. Jungkook looked at them with jealousy but says nothing. 

"What are you doing here Bogum?" Taehyung asked.

"I was looking for you. I see you're hanging out with the rich people."

"Oh, well, it's a long story. Bogum, this is Jungkook."

"Nice to meet you Jungkook," Bogum says putting out his hand. Jungkook just stares at him, not taking his hand. He didn't feel like this man could be trusted.

"You too," Jungkook replied. Bogum puts down his hand realizing Jungkook wasn't gonna shake it.

"So Tae, what did you do for the rich people to invite you to hang out?"

"Nothing much. I just helped them out with some troubles."

"Alright. Hey, there's gonna be a dance party below in a couple weeks. You comin'?"

"Yeah sure."

"Ok. See you then."

Then Bogum walks off. Taehyung then looks back to Jungkook who had a confused look on his face.

"Dance party?"

"Yeah. The poor people are coming together to play music and dance. It's pretty fun. No offense, but it's much better than your rich people's parties."

"Can I go with you?"

"You want to?" Taehyung says surprised.

"Yeah. I want to know what it's like. And you're right about the parties we have. It's mostly about business and how people brag about how much money they have. I get really bored."

"Ok. I'll meet you here in a couple weeks."

Jungkook nods and leaves to go back to his room. Taehyung reaches his own room and closes the door. He looks around but doesn't find Bogum anywhere. He then goes over by the toilet and sits in front of it. He sighs and closes his eyes. Suddenly the water in the toilet starts bubbling before water rises up from it. It glides through the air, circling around Taehyung before coming back to the front. Taehyung opens his eyes and brings his hand up. The water then starts forming, changing shape until it turned into Jungkook. Taehyung at first was shocked. He didn't even realize he was thinking of Jungkook. The water form of Jungkook then smiled at Tae before going back to its original form and falling into the toilet.

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