Chapter 8- Just another day at school

Start from the beginning

"Welcome to the pack, Kiara Mires." Diana shot out, using my full name. I lifted my eyebrow at her. 

"Thanks." I replied, then turned my back on her to talk to Alec. No one said anything for a few seconds, so I shifted back to look at Diana again. She was staring at Alec. I started glaring. "Did you need something else?" 

"Not right now. Let's chat after class." Diana sneered at me, before turning and walking away to where she met up with her groupies. It wasn't like she was queen bee of the school, but if there had to be one, I would say it was her.  I watched her walk away with cold eyes. Then the voice appeared in my head. His voice.

"Kill her." 

No! I suddenly froze, fear rising in me. I understood what Jeff told me, I knew what it meant, and I knew that I was going to be disappointed when I heard him speak to me again. But I was just so hopeful, I just didn't want to believe it.

"Alec- Alec, I-" I forced out, trying to breathe. I was on the verge of a panic attack.

"Are you just gonna tell him every time I talk to you? That's not nice. We need to talk privately." 

"Alec, help me. Please help me." I breathed out, ignoring what he was saying. 

"What? What's the matter?" Alec grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him. I didn't mind, he was really attractive. 

"I can't, I need... He... He's talking to me." I whispered, grabbing onto his arm. "Make it stop. Please. My head is pounding." 

It really was pounding. My temple throbbed painfully as the voice spoke again.

"You can't be with him every second of the day. I'll be back later."

The pounding stopped, and it was over as quick as it began. 


"He's staying." I stomped my foot angrily. Of course I was acting a bit childish, but who really cares when an evil physcopath can talk to you in your head and tell you to kill people? Did I mention that he's waiting for the precise moment you're alone so he can attack your thoughts and make you do terrible things? Well, that too. 

"Kiara! What has gotten into you? You can't just go around telling me that a boy, your mate, is staying over the house!" My mother exclaimed, her eyes tearing up. I don't know why she was crying. Maybe it was because of the pregnancy. I could smell it on her, she reeked of hormones and pizza. 

"It's not like I'm going to sleep with him with all off you in the house. Besides, I wouldn't be talking..." I eyes her up and down, giving her the 'yepp, i know' look. She looked taken back and alarmed before she was confused. 

"What are you giving me that look for?" 

"You're pregant again. I can smell it all over you. I bet we were in the house when the baby was conceived!" 

"Kiara!" Alec and my father said insync. 

Lily came into the room at that exact moment, making my father turn to her.  

"Alec, it's probably true, and you know it." I told him, and he looked uncomfortable, his eyes on his shoes. So much for big powerful soon-to-be Alpha.

"Lily, sweetie, your mother and Kiara are just having an argument. Please go upstairs until dinner is ready, okay?" My father, sort of lied to Lily, but he was still lying to her about the werewolf thing, which was weird because I could already smell it on her. 

"Actually, Lily. We're werewolves, all of us. And they've been lying to you your whole life. Mine too. That's what was wrong with me on my birthday, I changed for the first time." I spit out. My father came near me to cover my mouth, but I was mates with an Alpha, so I shoved him away no problem. "I'm sorry, Lily."

"Your kidding." She stated, almost dropping her phone in surprise. 

"No, I'm reall not." 

"So, I'm going to turn into a wolf?"  

"Yeah. And it hurts." 

"No! That's gross." She gasped horrified. She looked like she was gonna cry and puke at the same time.

"If you want to know more, you should ask mom and dad. Alec and I will be in my room. And you can have some of the pizza we're ordering." I stated, before grabbing Alec's hand and dragging him up the stairs and into my room. 

"Kiara, that was mean." Alec said, keeping my hand in his and sitting me down next to him on the bed. 

"I don't care. They're mean for lying to me!" I told him, still upset about that. It's not that I was holding a grudge, but I was really hurt. I thought that I could depend on them for anything, and they were lying to me the whole time.

"I'll never hurt you like that, I promise." He leaned in and kissed me on the lips. His were soft. His hand let go of my hand and came to my cheek, deepening the kiss. I pulled away, my heart beating in my chest, practically bursting.

"I'm not sleeping with you." I told him, biting my lip while looking at his. 

"I know." He said, and kissed me again, his lips making me forget all about my parents and their lies.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2013 ⏰

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