The beginning of hell. - ch. 1

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I woke up like usual in the same bed I always slept in. Sun glinted through the windows, I blink and sit up. I rub my eyes and hold an exhausted facial expression, tired and not fully woken up yet. I exhale harshly, standing up and stretching. I close my curtains fully and lean against the wall as I fully wake up. I walk into my kitchen, waving to my mother who sat on the couch and drank her morning coffee. The television caught my attention, it was talking about something weird.

That was until I realized it was a broadcast. The girl went on about how zombies were here, and that made my mom gasp. Honestly, I thought I was still dreaming till my mom began to speak to me. "Rowan! Do you hear this? This is crazy, how will we survive with zombies?!" She ranted on about how she was scared to die.

"Yeah, I don't know. Maybe your on the wrong channel? Are you sure this is real?"

"Yes I'm sure!" My mother exclaimed in return, disbelief I just said that.

I watched the tv, resting my head on my hand as my elbow sat on the arm rest. I thought it was fake until a zombie showed up on screen, blood hitting the camera as the girl screamed and begged for help. I winced, wanting to gag. Disgusting ...

"Oh my god." My mom mumbled, hands practically shaking. I couldn't tell if it was fear or if she had drank too much coffee.

I looked outside my window, people stood outside their houses. That wasn't normal, maybe they also saw the broadcast. I looked away, beginning to look for my dog. "Roxy?" I said, looking around the house quickly. That was until I felt the fluffy dog's tail hit me in the legs. I immediately knew it was her, I turned around and got on my knee, petting her. I got back up, leading her over to her food bowl. I usually didn't make her anything special, but if this zombie apocalypse was real I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. Plus, she deserves a good meal. I began to chop up raw meat, Accidently cutting my hand.

"Rowan? Are you okay, your bleeding." My mom asked, randomly coming from behind me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just cut my finger on accident." I said, looking at her and nodding so she isn't worried about me like usual.

"Okay ... I'll get you a band-aid, I'll be right back!"

I watched her quickly go to the bathroom. I turned back to cutting the meat, not putting pressure on the finger which was cut. I then picked up Roxy's bowl, looking down at her while she stayed up at me with wide eyes. "You hungry?" I asked, watching her tail begin to wag a lot. I giggled a bit, running my hand through her fur as she tried to stand up on her back legs and get up on the counter. I gently pushed her front paws off, "sit."

The Belgian malinois who stood next to me immediately sat. I realized just now, after years - Roxy doesn't have a collar. I gasp to myself, shaking my head. "I'll have to get you a collar soon, Roxy." I watched her tail wag again when I said her name.

My mom came back out, holding bandaids. "Let me see!" She demanded. I exhaled, turning around and putting my hand out for her to wrap bandaids around the cut. "I'm fine, really!" I tell her, trying to calm her nerves.

"There's this whole zombie apocalypse happening, and I'm scared something will happen to you, and your hurting yourself and-"

I cut her off, putting my hand on her shoulder. "I'm fine, really! I'll probably go hangout with my friends again, you know- like I always do. Nothing will happen to me, I swear. Go lay down and watch TV." I listen to her sigh, she nods barely.

"okay ..." she mumbled in reply. She turned around, and walked to the couch. I knew she didn't get much sleep, always worrying about me.

I began to put all the cut meat into the food bowl, putting some kibble over it aswell. Roxy loved raw meat, like almost every other dog. I set the bowl down, taking my time to walk over back to my room. I could practically hear Roxy, slobbering and munching down on her food as if she hasn't ate in years. I rolled my eyes and chuckled a bit, feeling that surge of energy that came back and lasted till the end of the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2022 ⏰

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