Chapter 3- Night Surfs

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Chapter 3; Night Surfs

Phoebe's POV:

Our classmates start to arrive, and the party starts. It's bittersweet talking to all of them, because I know I won't see most of them again after we leave for college.

After getting something to eat from the delicious food they catered, I walk over to the couch where Johnny and Reese are sitting. Johnny is my twin brother, but we aren't alike at all. I sometimes forget we were once in the same womb. I would like to say I'm a fun, confident person who doesn't care what others think, while Johnny is the complete opposite. He is a complete try hard at everything and is always trying to impress our parents. It pisses me off so much. He is an amazing football player, has a scholarship to University of Hawaii, and perfect grades. I'm not saying I get bad grades, but they definitely don't compare to Johnny's. And my parents never let me forget it.

Reese is Johnny's best friend. Of course they are both super close to Ben as well, but Johnny and Reese have been best friends since fourth grade. I have to thank Johnny, because if it weren't for him I wouldn't be friends with neither Reese nor Ben.

"Would you be a doll and go fetch us some of the sliders Phoebe?"Reese asks, making the worst puppy dog face

"Oh please, I think you two are big enough to grab them yourselves."I reply to him.

"B-b-but they are so far."Reese says, waving his hand lazily towards the food table. Johnny just sits there, dying of laughter

"B-b-but, I think you got it." I tell him

"What's going on here?"Rosie asks, as she walks over to us with Ben and Fay.

"Reese was trying to convince me to serve them sliders, and I simply declined."I updated them.

"You guys are real mature."Rosie said, rolling her eyes at the boys.

"Yo, guys, the waves are looking sick tonight. We should totally go for a night surf."Ben suggests, looking out at the ocean.

"Facts, that sounds like so much fun."I reply

"I'm down."Reese says.

"Me too."Rosie agrees.

"Same."Johnny also agrees.

"Guys... I don't know if we should. Isn't night surfing kind of dangerous?"Fay says, with a worried expression

"Oh my god." I say. This is typical Fay, she is always worried and concerned about what we are doing.

"Come on Fay, it will be so much fun. It'll totally kick off the summer."Rosie says, putting her hand on Fey's shoulder.

"Fine." Fay gives in.

"Let's gooo!" Ben cheers, throwing his hands in the air.

Once we get all of our surf boards, we meet up at "the spot." We all have this one designated spot that we always surf at.

"Its medium tide, perfect timing."Reese comments.

"Race you." I say, nudging Reese. It's not long before he begins chasing me into the water.

"Guys wait up!" Ben shouts. Pretty soon, we're all in the water.

"Holy shit, it's cold." Fay comments.

Since it was so late out, the only person who ended up catching a somewhat decent wave was Reese. I would say we're all pretty good surfers but Reese takes it the most seriously. The rest of us do it for fun, while he and Rosie actually go to competitions.

"I'm gonna miss this." Johnny states. We're all currently laying on our boards in the water.

"Dude, we have all summer."Reese reassures.

"What was that?"Fay asks suddenly, panic evident in her tone.

"What?!"Rosie asks. We all shoot her questioning looks.

"Something just touched my foot."Fay says with a worried look in her eyes. A second later, I see a hand grab the end of her board, as she gets flipped over. Ben's head then bursts out of the water, laughing. Fay pops her head up, trying to get back up on the board. She begins coughing from the unexpected water she just inhaled.

"Ben what the hell?!" Rosie asks. Reese, Johnny and Ben begin cracking up. I roll my eyes. What jerks.. Poor Fay.

"Now that was what you call a prank."Ben states.

"I thought pranks were supposed to be funny."I say, making a questioning face.

"You dick." Fay says suddenly, pushing Ben's board over, causing him to fall into the water.

"I thought it seemed more quiet, I should've known Ben wasn't here." Rosie jokes.

"I am the life of the party after all." Ben replies.

"You keep telling yourself that..." Johnny says.                                                                                                        

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