Boy what the hell..

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I wake up to the damn sun shining straight in my eyes. ' OH GOD DAMMIT' I sigh and get out of bed. I dragged myself downstairs from out of my room and into the living room.

I walked over and plopped down onto the couch. 'Hmm..what should I do today.. oh! I should probably go clothes shopping later on today.'

After a few minutes of thinking random things.

I finally decided to make breakfast. I grabbed all the ingredients to make rice, eggs, and bacon. I grab the pots and pans and turn on the stove.

--3rd POV--

While Yumi was cooking breakfast what she didn't hear was itachi walking towards the kitchen. "..Good morning."

"Gah! did I not hear you come in...oh right your a ninja I forgot." He looked down at the pan with 2 eggs on it.

"Do you need any assistance with cooking breakfast..?" "No I'm good but thanks."

Itachi walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. He grabbed a book from the bookshelf in the corner of the room.

He sat down on the couch and read the book waiting on the food to be done.

~~le timeskip cause I'm too lazy~~

They were now all in the living room watching lilo and stitch (cause why not ) and a random idea popped into Yumi's head. 'I forgot I still need to buy them clothes. T-T"

So Yumi got up and stretched till she heard a satisfying 'pop' in her back. "Hey um.. I'm going to the mall and I'm putting itachi in charge till I come back ok?"

"Wait why put him-" Naruto said pointing at itachi. "-in charge of us instead of kakashi-sensei?!" He ask-yelled.

--Yumi POV--

"Okay first of all stop yelling. Second I can do whatever I want cause it's my house. And third don't tell me what to do got it? I asked.

Naruto huffed and turned his head away. "Okay that's it go into the corner your in timeout."

"Hey! I'm not some baby you can tell what to do-" I cut him off by duct tapeing a baby pacifier to his mouth and tying his hands quickly. "There all better now. Anyone else wanna protest against me?"

Nobody responded. "Okay well I'm gonna go now, bye." I walked out the house making sure I lock the door behind me.

I go to my garage and get into my white Aston Martin (pic above) and open my garage door. I start up the car and reverse out the driveway.

I make sure I close the garage door before driving off. On my way to the mall I decided to drive to Kaya's house and pick her up.

~~le timeskip to when they get to the mall~~

So now we're in the mall. The mall has an escalator leading up to the 2nd floor and many different stores and a big food court. "Ok which store should we go to first?" I asked.

"We should probably go to H&M first to get some clothes. After that we go to foot locker for shoes." Kaya responded.

"We also need to get them their essentials like deodorant, toothbrush, cologne, perfume, and all that for them too." Kaya responded with a nod and we started walking.

WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED!? (Naruto Characters In Our World)Where stories live. Discover now