Severed Connections Part III

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A heavy-set man in his fifties with combed back salt and pepper hair, finishes looking up his tie while facing the mirror in his bedroom. The mirror rests up against his closet door allowing Frank Peruttio to take one last look at his suit before he heads to the Police Union lodge for work. He brushes off the front of his gray suit before grabbing his work satchel and walking out of the bedroom. As he heads down the steps, his wife Karen, sticks her head from out of the kitchen to call out to him.

Karen Peruttio- "Frank! I keep looking at that citizen app and all these neighbors keep reporting some suspicious looking people around here. I told you we should have moved further away from the inner city!"

Frank Peruttio- "Karen this neighborhood is filled with retired and off-duty cops, if any crack-heads or thugs come here trying anything they'll be in a world of trouble."

Karen- "I want to talk to the neighborhood watch and see if we can't make this a gated community."

Frank- "Sounds good to me honey."

Frank walks from the steps, through the living room and into a large kitchen where Karen sits at the table reading the news on her tablet. Karen is also dressed for the day in heels, cheetah-print pants, a skin-tight black top, and dozens of bracelets and rings on her hands. She uses her long, pressed on hails to move her feathered bangs out of her face while compulsively reading more about inner city crime. Frank grabs a frozen breakfast sandwich from out of the freezer, walking past his wife to the garage door.

Karen- "I've got a nail appointment with the girls at four, so you'll have to pick up Andrew."

Frank- "I'll have business late today; I'll have one of my guys at the lodge do it."

Karen- "You need to pick him up one of these days soon so you can talk to his teacher. Their teaching him way too much liberal nonsense in that school!"

Frank- "What the hell is with these damn grade schoolteachers today?"

Frank walks down a few steps to his garage door and opens it. He flicks the light on where he can see his brand-new Ford Edge SUV. He opens the door and activates his garage door opener. As the door retracts, he gets into his SUV and starts it up. As the door opens up, sunlight from outside brightens the inside of the car. Frank checks his rear-view mirror only to see a man sitting in the back seat of his SUV. Startled, Frank jumps in his seat. He quickly reaches for his glove compartment where he keeps his gun. He opens it up only to find it gone. The man in the backseat, Ryannus Jokkinen, calmly sits holding Frank's gun.

Ryannus- "Looking for this?"

Ryannus taunts him and holds the gun out to him before crushing it into a ball of metal with his hands. Sending a clear sign to Frank that he's a Titan.

Frank- "What do you want with me? I just run the police union. I have no business with your kind."

Ryannus- "I already know you're an Agent. Jack already ratted you out before I threw him into a train."

Frank- "I've got nothing to say."

Ryannus- "You all say that. Get driving."

Frank- "Where?"

Ryannus- "To one of those secluded black-sites a bunch of those BPD officers used to bring people to, to beat confessions out of them. I'm pretty sure I saw that breaking news report."

Frank reluctantly puts the SUV in drive and pulls out of the garage. They drive down the quiet suburban street and prepare to head into a more rural area where Ryannus suggests they drive to.

Ryannus rides in Frank's SUV down the hilly road of the in an increasingly wooded area in outside the suburbs. They are surrounded by green fields and trees on both sides as they venture deeper into the woods. To cut into the silence, Ryannus stars talking to Frank.

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