Assassin's Sights Part IV

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The sun rises on the start of a new morning. Sunlight peaks through the cave opening where five Neo-Vandals have gathered outside of their tents to eat while waiting for Hekate to come out and address them. The five men sit in a circle around a fire with food roasting on sticks. Four of the five Neo-Vandals are young, in their early twenties. But the fifth is old. A man in his seventies with a long gray beard and hair.

He goes by the name Rutter, and he sits in silence looking at the fire before turning to the younger members of the NV and opens up to them while they wait for the meal to finish cooking.

Rutter- "I've followed the great truth of the Zolleran teachings since I was a boy. My parents wanted me to know our history, even though some semblance of peace was achieved since the first war. Those teachings made me proud of our heritage but to see what we had become saddened me. We were conquered and forced to live on our knees by the Riukens to appease the undivine. It seemed like nobody cared and nobody wanted to change that. Now, here I am as an old man and seeing you young Zolleran warriors gives me hope."

The four young Zollerans stop eating and turn to listen as Rutter continues on. This old man was pouring his heart out to them.

Rutter- "You will be our future. True warriors that fight for us. I am honored to see you boys become great men."

As Rutter finishes, Hekate makes her way out of her tent and over to the group. They turn to her and bow their heads. Hekate, still thinking about what Rouke said to her in her dream approaches them. She walks a little less determined than what they are used to.

Hekate- "Prepare yourselves for what we have to do today."

Hekate walks over to the fire pit and sits with the men. She wears her black and red coat but has yet to put on her custom half-mask. Without it, she looks like a normal girl with light brown hair. Her hair flows over to the left side with the right side of her head shaved.

Hekate- "Today we'll continue our campaign. I have drawn up plans to attack the IDF military base, four miles away from the previous targets."

Upon hearing this, Rutter turns to look at Hekate perplexingly. This new order was different than what they were doing before, attacking civilians in places of worship.

Rutter- "Hekate...this isn't what the plan originally was?"

Hekate looks at Rutter coldly and responds.

Hekate- "I've changed the plan." (Turns her attention back to the full group) "Our attack on their base will strike at the heart of the undivine' s strength—"

Rutter- "But why change the plan? It was working. We were sufficiently terrorizing those people. Their first aid relief camp was the perfect target. People from all over the world giving the injured from our attacks first aid? We can make them afraid!"

Hekate- "And now we will spread that fear to their armies. Only so much can be done from attacking women and...children. Do not interrupt me again Rutter."

Rutter heeds her warning but senses something in how Hekate said women and children. There was a small sliver of uneasiness in her words and on her face. No doubt, Rutter's advanced age gave him the experience to detect this.

Rutter- "You've lost your nerve. Haven't you?"

Hekate turns back to Rutter, the rest stay deadly quiet. Nobody had ever dared to question Hekate the Bloodthirsty, not with her reputation. She had the approval of Au-Chance Lacoix who always valued her as one of his top Neo-Vandal warriors.

Hekate- "How dare y—"

Rutter- "You have! I could hear it in your voice! Why express some hesitation when you brought up taking out undivine women and children!? Who cares! They're insignificant to the cause!!"

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