Burning Down the World Part IV

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Secretary Peter's car takes off back to the Whitehouse flanked in the front and back by Secret Service SUVs. Alarmed by the conversation with The Elder, Peter's gets on his phone to contact the Whitehouse. The phone rings on the other side and he informs the Whitehouse staff that this is an emergency message for the President. The staff then immediately sends Peters over to a secure line with President Cleary.

Peters waits for the President to pick up as he hears the phone ring. The President is typically extremely busy so a short wait isn't unexpected. Peters then hears the President pick up on the other side. As he is about to inform the President of what he's learned, a loud "BOOM" shatters the windows of his car and shakes him with the force of an earthquake. He sees a ball of fire rise up from the secret service SUV in front of him. Peter's jumps down into his seat and drops his phone. He panics and calls for his secret service agents in the front row.

Secretary Peters- "What was that!? What is happening!?"

Another explosion rattles his vehicle, this time behind him. He turns to see the other SUV blown up. At this point, an agent of his jumps into the back with the Secretary and holds his head down below the view of the windows for protection. The secret service member driving yells back at Peters.

Secret Service Member 1- "Sir, we're under attack! We're getting you out of here!"

The secret service member puts the car in reverse and speeds back into the SUV. They knock it out of the way and crank the steering wheel to spin the car around. The agent then slams down the gas pedal and takes off down the street.

The explosions were so loud they were heard in the parking lot of the Willard hotel. The Elder, Katie, Zinagata, Jessie, Ryannus, and Westin all turn in the direction of the explosions after hearing them echo. The Elder and the others immediately know what is happening.

The Elder- "The Neo-Vandals."

Katie- "That came from the direction the Secretary was going in."

Zinagata- "They're after him too. (Turning to Jessie, Ryannus, and Westin) Westin, stay here with The Elder and Katie and keep them safe! I'll fly ahead, Ryannus and Jessie, follow close!"

Zinagata blasts off into the air with his dark aura encasing his body. He flies off toward the fire and smoke from the SUVs. Jessie and Ryannus begin to run in that direction when Katie offers her help.

Katie- "Wait! (Reaches into her bag to take out her keys) Take my car!"

Katie tosses her keys to Jessie who snatches them right out of the air. She nods to Katie and runs to her car with Ryannus. They hop inside the modest Honda Civic and peel out of the parking lot in a hurry.

The car carrying Secretary Peters speeds down K street trying to escape the NV attack. They dart around the cars and other vehicles traveling down that street, its tires screeching with every tight maneuver. A dark truck emerges to the right of the Secretary's car, speeding toward them. As that truck get's closer into focus in one of the side mirrors, the secret service agents in the car notice it.

The truck speeds next to it, a Neo-Vandal staring at them in the driver's seat. Another Neo-Vandal is crouched in the truck bed, waiting for the vehicle to get closer. The truck pulls up to the side and the NV jumps over onto the roof of the Secretary's car. The secret service agent hearing the thud on the roof, draws their service weapon. The NV hangs on as the car races forward, the secret service agent trying to track their Zolleran attacker on the roof. The agent fires their weapon up through the roof at the Neo-Vandal. With the bullets causing no effect, the Zolleran climbs toward the back of the car. As the secret service agent protecting Peters reloads their weapon, the Neo-Vandal punches through the window in the passenger side of the backseat. The secret service agent is grabbed by their sleeve and pulled out of the car. The Neo-Vandal then callously throws the secret service agent aside, letting them crash down on the road.

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