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"Are you ready?" I asked walking over to him. I climbed on his lap and showed his face in the video. He looked up at me and started smiling before sitting up some. He started kissing on my cheek as I recorded us. "Come on baby, I wanna show you."

"Lemme see it then." He said, I handed him the bag and he pulled it out slowly as I recorded him. He eyed the shirt closely before pulling something else out of the bag. "The fuck?"

"I'm pregnant!" I yelled with a smile.

"This forreal?" He asked looking at me. "Like forreal?"

I nodded as he wrapped his arms around me. He held me closely and I laughed. He was such a crybaby.

I heard him sniffing which made me frown. I didn't want him to cry or anything. I just wanted him to maybe scream or jump up and down or something? A little my lord? Maybe some sex? But not tears.

"Don't cry," I said with a frown. "You're gonna make me cry. Why are you crying?"

I knew that I was going to start crying so I turned the camera off. He looked at me and started kissing on me as he held onto me. I wiped his eyes but he just kept crying. It was weird. I've only seen him cry one time and never like this. This was different.

"I'm happy." He said as I wiped his face, he sniffed. "Why you crying?"

I shrugged. "I'm pregnant."

He laughed at me. "Why the shirt say call mommy my lord though? It could've been something else."

"Because that's what I want you to call me for now on." I said with a smirk. "Since I'm carrying your baby and ima have to push this big ass head through my vaginal canal in some months."

He smacked his lips. "Who you tell about the baby?"

"Only person who knows is Treasure," I said. "She made me take that fucking test. I have my first ultrasound appointment this week on Thursday."

He nodded his head. "We can get pictures now? I wanna see her."

I watched as he started rubbing my nonexistent stomach in amazement. I barely was showing but who am I to take away his dreams like that. I knew he was really excited for this baby I was too. I knew we thought I could t get pregnant at all and that's why it means so much more than people think.

"What makes you think that we having a girl?"

"Because, that's what we supposed to have first." He said before frowning. "You don't think so?"

I shrugged. "I don't care what we have. I just want a real baby." I expressed. "Like one that lives a real life and stuff like that."

He chuckled before nodding his head. "I know what you mean Muga."

I went quiet as he played with my stomach. I just watched him interact with my belly and it started to make me emotional. I didn't want to sound crazy but I literally couldn't take another baby dying inside of me.

I really wanted this baby to make it. If I couldn't carry this pregnancy full term, I think I will go crazy. Like I don't know, I'll literally be hurt forever. I'm already so excited to be a mom and I haven't even seen my baby yet but I just know that I'll be a really good mom.

And I know if this baby doesn't make it that would probably ruin my relationship with not only Dejhari but with everyone. I just didn't want anything bad to happen during this pregnancy journey.

"Stop crying," He said wiping my eyes before pecking my lips. "It's gon' be fine. Everything gonna work out."

I sniffed as he kissed me. I wasn't kissing him back cause I was crying. He wanna kiss and I'm literally in tears right now! Like move.

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