Skipping to year 4

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So guys I ran out of ideas for year three and I can't go into any detail unless I just throw myself into Harry's adventure so I am just gonna skip a year. So year 4 now lots more action and stress for the relationship because of the tournament question is tho dose Cristal find out she's Harry's long lost twin sister or not.
I waok down in my black dress you see as a Malfoy if you go any where with them you have dress as a emo (no offence to emo's love yr music taste) we were going to the quidditch world cup being Seamus girlfriend I am supporting Ireland. We walk up a hill to meet up with Dad and his friends they hold the port key of awesomeness, when we reach the top a man also dressed in full black stood in front of a flat football, we all take a hold of it and we end up in a field "stay together chil-" I cut my dad of" Farther can I go see my boyfriend and watch the game with him pleaseeeee" I give him puppy dog eyes he sighed "go but if anyone asks if we are related the answer is no and your last name is" he tapped his wand on my head putting me in black skinny jeans and a blue top and a leopard print jacket and black high tops. "My last name is Burrow" he smiled and pushed me away I ran to the desk paid and ran in. Where would my little leprechaun be hmmm maybe at the cart buying Irish merchandise. DING DING DING we have a winner I walk up behind him and put my hands over his eyes " guess who" he smiled "hey babe" he turned around and gave me a kiss "how'd you get away" he takes his stuff and my hand and we walk to his tent " normal" I lean against him "sup burrow" I made a witty come back "the sky" he just laughed we walked into the tent "Mam I am back and I brought my girlfriend Cri" he shouts Dean comes out from the kitchen he pulls me into a hug "howz you be" he smiled at me I smiled back " fine u" he gave me a thumbs up, "ahhh my baby boy is all grown up he has a girlfriend" I was pulled into another hug but by Fiona "MAM" Seamus shouts I smile "clam it baby boy" he puts up his middle finger then walk into the kitchen "you missy better be sitting with us" his mum wags her finger in my face "course she is mam like I will her go back to them" Seamus comes out kissing me again" you are in a very kissy mood aren't you" he just nods "Cri know your real parents yet" Dean calls" no but I made Draco tell me something, quite a nice chunk of information actually" Seamus pounced on me pushing me onto the sofa" what is it" he kept repeating I smile" I will tell you on the train" he pouts and gets of me, "boys take Cristal around show her stuff" Seamus takes my hand and pulls me out with Dean following" leave me behind" he mutters" oh I can hold your hand if you want" I smirk at Seamus come back. Dean holds his hand out and Seamus grabs it" you have the best friendship" he smiles "we have the best friendship but we have the best relationship" I lean into him just as we find Harry, Ron and Hermione "hi'ya Harry" Seamus says smiling they turn and I lean of Seamus but he pulls me back into his side, I look up to see him smiling we talk about who we are gonna support and where they are going. Me and Hermione get into a chat about Mad eye moody and what happened, I feel someone wrap there arms around my waist" you really are in a lovey dovey mood aren't you" I tilt my head to see Seamus smiling down at me he nods at me again. "Love you" he kisses me he just told me he loved me he said it first omg do I love him back "hello earth to Cristal" Seamus says waving his hand in front of my face I snap out of my mode and look into his eyes. I get lost in the aqua sea and the sparkling dolphins the next thing I know I am kissing Seamus again for like the 10th time. "Love you" he says again ok I can't say like you or I will be lieing to myself, "love you too" he smiles" awww I can't wait to get a boyfriend I hope he's as sweet as Seamus" Lavender squeals walking past us I grip Seamus tighter "don't worry I would never dream of dating anyone but you" he whispers" ahhh here you are the match is starting" Fiona says making us follow her" I only just thought about this where is Di" Seamus tenses up" with pretty boy junior" he sneers" ok what do you have against the boy" I stopped and crossed my arms" one thing he is dating my little sister" awwwwwwwww Shay shay how cute. I hug him take his hand and pull him along we walk in to find there was only three seats" guys where do I sit" they notice and Seamus pats his lap, I sit down on his lap and lean against his chest" anyone else cold" Seamus leans forward takes of his Gryffindor jacket and puts it on me and because he was a lot more muscley than I was it was over sized on me" can we just look at how cute this is" Dean says holding his hands out in front of us. "Cri" Di screams I get up and hug her" why are you wearing my brother's jacket" she was eyeing me up" I was cold so Seamus being the best boyfriend ever let me wear his jacket" I say smiling" you mean second best" she crossed her arms" no the best" I was getting angry now my fists were clenched I am so angry she is dissing her brother and my boyfriend. Arms pull me down onto a lap I look to see Seamus smiling" ignore her....she is on her monthly vist" he whispers I and I just smirk and turn back to the game which has just began.
********* after game
Me, Dean and Seamus were doing the Irish jig well Seamus was, me and Dean just looked like two retarded seals on drugs. We stop when we hear a scream Seamus grabs my hand it is a instinct to make sure I am safe. We walk out to see tents being burnt down and a bunch of people wearing masks coming towards us. "Children run get back to the port key and stick together" we do as Fiona asks me and Seamus had are hands locked and Dean was just running along side us, I was getting a stich I haven't been in best shape mostly trapped in my room farther wouldn't let me leave the house. I was slowing down Seamus stops picks me up and ran we got to the woods all still together, not gonna lie I am ducking petrified right now Dean lost some colour and Seamus was red from sprinting with added wight. "OI SIS" I hear Draco hiss from the dark" what" I hiss back" follow me I will take you, Thomas and lover boy back to his mum she is waiting at the port key for you I will tell farther where you are just stay with lover boy and oh lover boy keep her safe I do actually care about her" Draco apears from no where and we follow him sure enough he did what he said he would, "oh my thank you so much I sometimes wonder how you are related to your farther" Draco gets hugged then we take the port key back to Seamus's house. "What about Di" I exclaim" she is staying with pretty boy and his family" Seamus mutters storming of to his bedroom I will ask him later I need to find out where I am gonna sleep.

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