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"Look it's the abused child yh Wood she got abused as a baby till dad found out who she was of course could be use to him later well it's what he told me anyway" I hear Dracos voice say from behind me. I turn to see him with his little possy, "Why don't you go cry to your daddy" Seamus says. "No one asked you beep" Draco says (I could not put that word it would offend so many people). Thats it, I stand up. Most eyes are on us, "Draco can't draw Draco can't draw Draco cannot draw, he only reads books but he cannot draw even if he's reading a how to draw book" I chant playing the guitar. Most of the Gryffindors join the chant, he starts to walk away but I follow him still singing and he starts to run. I run with him still singing, "go away" he shouts "not till you say sorry" I shout back and continue chanting. He runs out the hall, and I stop following him and walk back and sit down. "Dickhead" I mutter, "hey thanks but you didn't have to" Seamus says. "Yh but it was funny" I say smirking. Kill...kill...kill "do you hear that" I ask olly. "Hear what" he asks kill...kill...kill "that, that voice" I say getting up and following the voice. "Cristal where are you going" I hear Dumbledore say. "Not hungry" I say blankly but I guess Olly did not buy it, so they followed me. "Cri wait up" he shouts, "shut up" I whisper "what" he asks "be quite" I say. He shuts up kill...kill...kill I put my hand to the wall and walk along it. "I think it's gunna kill" I say running following the noise. "What" he says running with me, I run round the corner and see Harry running the other side. "Can you hear it"we both say together, "yh I can hear the voice can you" we both say together again "okay stop what did you hear" we both say again, "why don't you both shut up and look" Ron says pointing down. We both look down to see writing, "the chamber of secrets has been opened... Enemies of the heir beware" Harry says, I look up and my mouth drops. I tap Harrys shoulder and point to the wall the water was reflecting. "What" he says we walk up to the wall, "Enemies of the heir beware... And it's written in blood" Hermione says in a disgusted tone. I drag my hand across the wall looking for clues. I drag my hand all the way over to, "miss. Norris" Olly says standing next to Hermione and Ron, Harry and me both raise are hand to see if she would move. We hear foot steps and look to see all the Gryffindors and Ravenclaws then more footsteps and look the other way to see the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs, "Enemies of the heir beware. You'll be next mud-bloods" Draco says. This will look real guilty to them. " "Potter, Malfoy what do you think your doing holding up the... Misses Norris" he says looking past us. "Filtch we swear we didn't" I say "you killed my cat" he says "no" Harry starts. "YOU KILLED MY CAT! I'LL KILL YA! I'LL KILL YA!" he shouts grabbing are ties and pulling them. "Argus" we hear Dumbledore say, he looks up and drops his grip. The memories come flooding back,
You idiot child, I wish I never adopted you. My father shouts pining me against the wall my head hits the wall and my vision goes blurry. He punches my shoulder, Lucius what are you doing CRISTAl Cristal...Cristal I was coming back to the real world. My vision was blurry like in the flash back and I was leaning against something. I turn my head to meet a wall, a strong pair of arms hold me up and pick me and hold me. "What happened you can talk to me it's Olly" I hear a Scottish voice confirming it was him. "He hit me" I whisper "who hit you" Olly says loud enough for everyone to hear. All eyes were piercing my body.

"Lucius Malfoy" I say fainting from the effort to keep talking.

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