Music room and Hermione petrified.

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I hear footsteps and I got turned around I shut my eyes and flinch back. It is a habit when dad was angry I got hurt, but I got taken by surprise. He hugged me "did you really think I would hurt you" he says "I don't know your very unpredictable" I whisper which was a bad idea. He starts tickling me "help... Help Olly stop I forgive you just stop" I say between laughs. He stops amd runs away what an arse I think sitting up and looking at him run down the steps. I look back and take the hand that was in front of me. Which just happpens to belong to the one person I don't want to see. "Yes Seamus" I say in a blank tone, "can you come with me I want to show you something don't worry I have asked Dumbledore" he whispers. I nod and he smiles. I follow him to a painting "what's this" I say he just ignores me and mutters something and the painting opens. He climbs in then holds out his hand, I take it and follow him he leads me to a dark room. "Seamus" I whisper, he just claps his hands the room lights up and reveals a room full of instruments, there was a sofa and to arm chairs and a fire place it also had a coffee table and a music player with my favorite songs. I was literally speechless, I turn to see Seamus smiling. I crush him in a hug, "forgiven" he asks. I say nothing and just hug him he smells of cool mint wired he usually smells of peppermint. "Did you switch body wash" I ask, "yh how did you know" he aks bewildered. "Well you usually smell of peppermint now you smell of cool mint" I say. He just smiles and pulls away. "Now lets get you filled up you have a match" he says walking through the painting "oh and nice choice in clothing" he smirks. We walk to the great hall talking about stuff we missed when we weren't talking. We walk in and I get shoved to the table and made to eat. "So your friends" Dean asks, I nod because I couldn't speak. "One thing I didn't ask why were you kissing Lavender" I ask looking at Seamus. "Oh but I didn't I nearly did under a strong love potion but when I saw you, you ruined her plan" he says explaining in a short way. But what I wanted to know how the only source that tells her how to make a strong love potion is, "My book that bitch" I think aloud. "What" Seamus says, "Di do you have my book I gave you" I ask looking at her she hands me the book she was reading. I go to near the back to L. Just as I thought. I get up and walk to Lavender "see you've got an interest in potions now" I say loud enough f the hall to hear. "Have no idea what you're on about" she says trying to get up but I wave my hand and she's back down again. "Oh but you do look at this page" I say showing her the love potion "no proof" she says. "Look closely" I say pointing to the lipstick stain made my muggle lipstick. "So" she says knowing shes lost. "Oh and your sitting next to Seamus pass me his water" I say Scarlet passes me his water. "We took a longer time to get down here because I was to bussy admiring his present" I say like I was interrogating someone. "And if you look closely to his water it is a little pink Snape if you please" I give it to Snape. "Love potion" he says Lavender just gets up and storms out. I high five Seamus "now you know don't except chocolate unless it is from me and to check you water" I say. He nods and we sit back down "that felt good" I sigh "maybe you'll feel great on the quidditch pitch" Olly say making me leave my food. We walk down to the pitch I told Olly about the music room and how the password is guitar. We got to the entrance to be stopped my Mcgonagall. "Sorry Wood the match has been canceled Potter, Malfoy come with me we need to find mr. Weasley" she said walking pass us so me and Harry join on the back. We find Ron in the stands next to Hagrid. "Have you seem Hermione" he asked, "no but Mcgonagall wants us" Harry says. We walk back down in silent in till we get to the long hall. "What do you think it's about" Ron asks us, "I don't know but I have a hitch" I say. "What is it" he asks walking through the doors. I just point to Hermione who was petrified.

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