Quirrle is stupid

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Sorry for the late update I was playing Geometry dash and I started at 6:00 and ended at 7:30 so I was playing for 1hour and 30minuets but I HAVE STILL NOT GOT PAST THE FIRST GOD DAM SON OF A BANSHEE FUCKING MERLINS CAULDRON BUTT VLODEMORTS NIPPLE 1ST LEVEL LIKE WHAT FUCKING WORLD ARE WE LIVING IN. Sorry for the rant I'm calm now. I think.

Cristals POV

"What will I be proud of" I hear Draco say, "He was trying to get on you little sister" Trixy says. God I hate her, "you what" Draco shout's getting ready to punch Seamus. "No" I shout stepping in front of Seamus, "what sis I'm protecting you" he says trying to get pass me and to Seamus. "Well I don't need your protection, anyway he was just giving me a Christmas present" I say still not moving from my spot. "Trixy what did you see" Draco says, I open my mouth but Draco shoots me a glare of shut the merlin up. So I do " well when I came I saw them staring into each others eyes and it looked like they were having a momment and I didn't want him all over my best friend. She says putting her arm over my shoulder, which I was not happy with. So I bit her, she removes her arm and steps next to Draco. "Really Draco who are you going beileve me your sister or her" I say pointing to Trixy. "I'm sorry but Cristal" he says standing next to me, what I thought bitch. I grab Seamus wrist and walk out, "Cristal let go your hurting me" Seamus wines, I let go "sorry" I mutter. We hear a bunch of footsteps more like running footsteps. "Cristal come on its time" I turn and see Harry, Ron and Hermione. I nod and follow them but stop and shout "Go to the common room and make sure Oliver doesn't expload". Seamus nods and takes of, I run up to the third floor. "Wait Cristal you don't have you Guitar" Harry says. "I know I got a plan" I say walking into fluffys room. A harp was enchanted, "look like snape was here" Harry says "then we should hurry" Hermione says. "I still refuse to believe it os snape" I say moving fluffys paw. "Well who do you think it would be" Ron says sarcastically, "I dunno Quirrle" I say. "Yh good one" Ron says, "guys does it seem a bit quite" Harry says. "Ewwww" Ron wines, we look up to see fluffy, AHHHHHHH! We scream I fall through the trap door. "CRISTAL" Harry shouts jumping in "HARRY" Ron yells jumping in as well. "RON" Hermione screams jumping in last. "Good thing this plant cushioned are fall" Ron says, "no bad thing this plant cushioned are fall, this is devil snare"! I yell. The vines start tightening, everyone but me and Hermione scream we just relax and fall through. Uff we land on the floor, "great we just lost the smart ones" Ron says, "wow Ron nice to see you care" I say. "Stop just relax and don't move" Hermione yells, soon Harry fall through. "HARRY"! Ron shouts, "do what they say relax" Harry says but Ron doesn't relax. "Stop you blood moving or it will kill you faster" I scream. "Thanks Cristal I can really relax now" Ron shouts. While we were bickering Hermione got Ron free and we were of. We walk in to see a room full of flying keys and a broom, "go on Cristal your a Malfoy" Ron says, "no Harry goes he can catch small things, then when he has it he will chuck it to me. I will catch it do my fast move put it into the lock and Harry flys in after". I says standing ready at the door, "looks like it's going to be a old big rusty key" Ron says. I snicker, Harry just stands looking at the broom then I catch on and I do the same but looking at the keys. "Ok what's the matter if snape can fly this thing and put the key in the lock by himself I'm sure you guys can" Ron says/yells. "It's to simple" me and Harry say, I go back to the lock. "Come on guys, both of you are the youngest plays in a century" Ron exclaims. "Actually I am because professor signed me first, but Ron is right come on Harry" I say. Harry gets on the broom and all the keys fly at him. He soon grabs the key chucks it to me, I do my fast move and open the door. We go in and see a massive chess board, "Ron this is your momment make it count, this might be the only time I say that" I say. But what do they do just go try walk straight to the door. What do they get, their heads nearly chopped of. "Harry take the bishop (I think) Hermione take the queen's side castle. Me and Cristal will get Knights" Ron says. We do as we're told and Ron gets knocked out Hermione stays to help while me and Harry advance on. We go through the next door to see Quirrle. "Quirrel" Harry whispers, "HA I TOLD YOU AND I KNEW FROM TODAY ONWARDS" I shout causing Quirrel to turn. Fuck I curse under my breath, green vines rap around are ankles and pull us forward, then vines wrap around are arms. "How did you know girl" Quirrel says, "well lets just say, when your planning evil don't keep a dairy laying around or someone's gunna read it" I say. "What I told you not to keep that thing" a hoarse voice says " Hi Boldymort" I say. "How dare you, milord shall I kill her", Quirrel says to the voice. "No, no we can use her. Put her in front of the mirror then tie her up" the voice says. The vine realse me and I walk forward, I stand in front of the mirror and I see.

Not Quite A DiamondOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora