Returning to Work

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It had been a little over a week since Ashley's fathers death. Connor and her had come to an agreement to alow their other sister to deal with the preperations for the funeral, since that was her strong point.
Downside was, they knew how dad died now. It was due to Ava Bekker injecting him with the Synthetic form of insulin. But since their dad had been given too much insulin before... It killed him.

Not long after, not even a week, Ava had slashed her throat infront of Connor. So in matters of hours, he got himself a new job at Gaffney Chicago Medical Center so he could start a new life elsewere. It was expected after loosing his dad and girlfriend.

Due to that, Ashley was aloud a week off, which Jay forced her to take so she had time to speak to Dr Charles about her feelings.
She went back to work on the day she was permitted to do so.

She walked into the station, holding Jay's hand.
Trudy gave her a small smile before they walked upstairs.

In matters of seconds, Adam, Antonio and Kevin walked over, giving her big hugs. After the first 2 days of Ashley not being there. They began asking Jay where she was. He had explained and updated it after another week when he died. So now, being gone for nearly 3 weeks... They knew almost everything.

"Hey kid." Voight spoke.
"Hey.. I'm good to get working again." She stated.
"Good, when Al gets he-" He was interupted.
"I'm here." Alvin spoke, randomly appearing from behind his desk.
"Well, you and Alvin are going into the break room to chat. Make sure you are alright fully. Only Paperwork today and you have none." He spoke, giving her a hug before returning to his office.

Alvin went to the break room with her before talking with her about everything. He concluded she'd be fine and that she was getting there. She just needed the family of police to be there for her when she needed it.
Jay would always be there anyways.

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