What if they talked a lil longer?

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(If they had talked longer that night before hua cheng went )

"But...what if my original form, is not to you liking?"

"I wouldn't worry, looks is not what matters. If I didn't like you, but you were a rich, wealthy king I would still hate you. If you were polite and I liked you but yet you were poor, I'd still like you.
Same as of you were the noblest person in the world,you helped those who couldn't afford for thou selves but, to others you face was scary I'd still like you. But if you were said go be handsome but not caring and selfish and destroy lifes of others I still wouldn't be impressed."

"Really, gege,?"

"Yes san lang."

"What if...I had known you before but...wasn't so great...? I had done selfish things... would you still like me then?"

~Xie lian started in his eyes and giggled~

"My my, San lang do you really think that you would be to my disliking. Your a friend i consider to be really close. I trust you more then most of the heavenly officials that I've known for many, many years."

~xie lian took a deep sigh~

"Honestly feels like I bled blood with you..."

"You have.." hua cheng mumbled


"Nothing...but are you sure..but what if...i have big hideous eyes and one of them is missing long greasy hair and a tall body with many scars?..."

"Oh...san lang"

~Xie lian smiled humbly~

"Your big eyes will twinkle like stars in my heart, your greasy hair shows you have been to busy to wash it and your scars show you have fought and survived many things"

~there was a long pause~

"Your braver than me you know, you speak so honest and don't say stupid things like me...there is so many stuff in the past I've done i would change so badly right now... you should be proud of yourself. I am really happy that I've met you"

~hua cheng blushed~

~He then cleared his throat~

"Oh gege, how could there be anything stupid that you have said, your heartfelt actions must make up for before.."

"Your going to laugh.."

"I promise I won't!"

*xie lian sat up*

*he then also cleared his throat*

"I once took a massive burden before"

"My, what was that?"

"If you cannot find a reason to live,take me to be that reason!"

"And...I once said I wanted to save the world once.."

"I really wonder how that person is doing now.. I said that to a child.."

~hua cheng sat up~

"You know you are wise to give such wonderful advice..that child...i bet he is very lucky now to be hear on earth.."

~Xie lian smiled~

"When you said...something about saving the world..what was that?"

~xie lian sighed~

"When i was young...I once said I wanted to save the world!I thought that if no one was going to i must save it myself and help protect others!...although...its easier said than done..san lang...san lang are...are you crying!?!"

~he crawled over to hua cheng to find him giggling~

"San lang! You said you wouldn't laugh,hm!?"

"Gege im not laughing because im making fun of you. I'm laughing because I'm charmed by how someone could be so strong to say something that lovely. You have such a wise soul."

~xie lian smiled back and they started into eachothers eyes~

~as a wolf howled xie lian blinked~

"S-sorry! Uhm gn?"


~they both layed down~

"Uhm...san lang...im sorry to ask this but maybe when your comfortable can I see you in your true form?"

"Next time you see me I'll be in my true form..."

"Oh thank you and if you aren't ready...please don't stress!..uhm goodnight:

~xie lian smiled then turned over~


xie lian and hua cheng Where stories live. Discover now