Three minutes

19 3 3

Fun Fact: Kai doesn't like the taste of shrimp


'Right, Hippogriff, you've been training with Manticore up till now. Manticore, unfortunately, isn't with us anymore. So, you're with me now. Here are my rules.' Poltergeist sneered.

Hippogriff shivered, something in his smile told her she wasn't going to like the rules. It didn't help when she saw Kai stiffen behind her.

'Rule 1. No talking without permission. You'll know if I permit you because I say your real, first name.'

Hippogriff nodded, Manticore had the same rule so that was simple enough.

'Rule 2. We train for six hours. Once per hour you two decide when you take a 15-minute break. The more breaks you take in a single hour, you don't get a break the next hour depending on how many you took. The third break you take you get lunch cause that's normally around 12:00.'

Again, that was one of Manticore's rules so she could follow that.

'By the way, getting water does not count as a break, seriously, stay hydrated. And finally, Rule 3: Kai, why don't you go ahead and tell 'er?' It's one you're quite familiar with.'

Kai nodded, 'Remember how he told us to skip breakfast today?'


'Rule 3: Fail the beginning trial, you don't get lunch.'

'What?!' Hippogriff screeched.

'You heard him, fail, and you starve.' Poltergeist smiled with a snicker.

Hippogriff moaned, 'Why though?'

'Punishment, the beginning trail is the easiest. If you fail that? You don't deserve to eat.' Poltergeist chuckled. 'Now, for your trail.'

Poltergeist got out two little bells, 'You have three minutes to get these away from me. You'll do this one at a time. If you get one, you get to eat something small, if you get both, well I've prepared you both a lunch. Fail and you get nothing. Kai, your three minutes starts...'

Poltergeist looked over to Chronos, who nodded and tapped his phone. 'Now.'

Hippogriff didn't even have time to ask what she should do while she waited before Kai disappeared. She looked where he used to be standing and there were cracks in the floor, she looked back to Poltergeist and he was already there. 'Eh- The 'ell?!'

He was going for an over-the-head kick to his neck. But... Did he phase through it? 'What the 'ell is this bloke's quirk?' She asked herself.

It seemed like Chisaki was expecting him to phase because he continued phasing through his body, and- Holy shit he got one of the bells.

'Y'know you do have to get both of them.' Poltergeist said, looking at the bell that remained in his hand. 'Nice fakeout though, you tricked me, I'm impressed.'

Hippogriff watched as Kai continued to go at him. Until finally, after just thirty seconds remained, he got the other bell. Poltergeist smiled genuinely at him, said 'Good job' and told him to get some water.

He then turned to Leilani with that same sinister grin, 'Your turn little girl.'

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