Chapter 20.

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It's been about 2 months now since my recovery.

I haven't seen my father, but I haven't stop thinking about what I last said to Zee as I laid in the hospital bed.

*Two months ago*

"I want to kill him." I said as I sit up slowly in the hospital bed.

Zee looks at me blankly, but I can tell that he's shocked. "Zayla, you know you can't." He said as he takes my hand in his once again.

"But I want to Zee. He's done so many things to me that I can not explain. I've been through hell and back for over 10 years. Please let me do this, you don't understand." I said holding my tears back, I had to stay strong.

He looks into my eyes but I can see he is thinking about what to say, I wanted this. The shit my father put me through, I want him to pay for what he has ever did to me, I hate him so much.

And he killed my mother is the worst thing that could have ever happen to me. She loved me and most of all I know she loved my father.

Even if he has done horrible things, my mother always told me, "things will get better." And I found that hard to believe, but deep down inside me I knew it was true. I just had to search for it. And I have.

I found my father and I'm going to kill him, and I think I'm falling for someone that means a lot to me, but I don't know if he feels the same way.

He still looks at me as if he's searching for something in me. Zee has done so much for me and I don't know how to ever repay him.

He lets out a sigh, and squeezes my hand, but not to hard.


I get out of bed and walk to Zee's office where he sits.

As I knock I don't get a response, so I walk in. I don't see him so I began to walk around the house to find him.

I make it to a door hearing yelling and screaming.

I near the door before I hear my father and Zee. "You hurt her, I'm showing you how you made her feel." I could hear Zee say.

My father chuckles and I can just imagine his stupid face smiling through the ajar door.

"You love her don't you." My father says as he laughs.

"Yes, yes I do. And I plan on marrying her soon." Zee says, and I can hear the anger in his voice.

My eyes widen at what he says and I smile.

As I step back I hear the two words that Zee was suppose to tell me to do.

"Kill him."

and a gun fires.

I frown and step back frozen in place. I wanted to talk to my father I wanted to know why he treated me like I was never nothing to him, maybe I wasn't. And most of all I wanted to kill him.

The ajar door swings open and I jump back in fear.

Zee walks out and he looks me directly in the eyes. My heart starts to pound in my chest, and I can see the anger in his eyes.

"What are you doing." He says more of yelling then anything.

"I-I." I say but realized that he killed my father.

"You killed him." I frown in confusion

"I couldn't let you kill him."

"I wanted to!" I yell stepping back as he took steps towards me.

"I can't let you kill someone, especially if you've never killed before, and I can see you wouldn't want to kill him." He said as he continued walking forward, and I continued walking backwards.

"And h-how do you know t-that I didn't want to kill h-him, or...or at all?" My eyes began to water and I can feel it burning.

"Because deep down I know you love him. And it doesn't always feel good to kill. Trust me." He said the last part softly while looking down.

I didn't say anything but look at him.

"Zayla, I care about you a lot. I just...I just don't want you doing something you will regret down the line." He said stepping towards me once more.

This time I don't step back.

"I won't." I began choking on my own words, my voice soft.

"If you killed that man, you would have been going through the same predicament as me. And I regret everything and look how I turned out." He strokes my cheek while caressing my back with the other.

Yea, a cold ruthless man, who has the power to take over anyone and anything without giving a shit about it.

That's what I want to say, that's what I thought. But deep down he's none of those. He's a smart caring man who will risk whatever it takes for the ones he cares about, including me.

A tear drops from my eyes, I hug him in my arms quickly before he could see my emotions.

He hugs me back without any hesitation.

"I-I love you Zayla. And I'm willing to risk the world for you, when you become my wife." He let's go of our embrace and holds both of my hands.

"So what do you say?" I can see a small smile plastered on his face.

"Y-yes!" I say as I jump into his arms rapping my legs around him and my hands around his neck.

"I love more." I said in the crook of his neck.

I never really thought love was real until I met Zee. He brought me into a world where I can feel anything and everything as long as I'm with him.

He has this power over me where it makes me feel like I'm alive now, like I'm living a life where I can do anything and everything.

From the moment I met him, I was just an ordinary girl looking for a job.

I was suppose to get a job, make money and make my father proud.


I ended up getting a job, falling in love, hearing my father die and being soon married.

I'm excited, but at the same time I'm scared, what if we don't make it through our whole lives together. Go through adventures together and laugh and love.

I will and I want to make sure that we spend our entire life together as one.

Now it's time to take action, make mistakes and work it out.

I wanted him by my side, and it will always be that way. Till the day I die.

Zee Lavigne will always and I mean always be my number one love and anything he wants to be.

Even if he's my dominant, and I'm his submissive.

Uhmm. Yea this is the last one.

Maybe. 😏😉

I will have a little short story showing you guys what there future is like.

Hope this story was good.

Love you all and hope to see you in my upcoming books.

Check out

It All Stars Now


Hope you all enjoyed this "hopefully"good book!! ❤️❤️❤️

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