Chapter 11: Not One Step Back

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Bismarck: All Crimson Axis ships! Attack!

All the Crimson Axis ships charged into the city as the defenders readied themselves. Meanwhile with Enty and Warspite, they have broken off from the defense in order to find Kurfust. Enty had sent the majority of her planes to assist the defenders which meant that she only had a few remaining.

Me: Where is she?

Warspite: Can your radars not spot them?

Me: No, not really. There are so many ships here right now that my radars are basically useless. If only I had my AWACS planes!


Suddenly, Enty detects a missile coming towards them.

Warspite: Missile coming towards us!


The missile was shot down by the CIWS on Enty's ship.

Kurfust: Oooh! You must be the one with those planes!

Kurfust and Bismarck both land infront of Enty and Warspite.

A/N: And yes I do realize that it is Kurfurst since someone told me. But I can't be bothered to change it cuz it makes the name shorter and I am a lazy piece of sh-.

Me: 'Where did they even come from!? Plus I thought Bismarck was leading the attack!'

Bismarck: Warspite? I didn't know you were here. This might prove harder than anticipated.

Bismarck said as she readied herself. Warspite did the same.

Bismarck: Kurfust, you deal with Enterprise. I will handle Warspite.

Kurfust: Already on it!

Kurfust charges towards Enty as their weapons clashed against each other.

Warspite: Enty!

Me: I'm fine! Just take care of Bismarck for now!

!BOOM! x4

4 shells came flying towards Warspite. She quickly notices and slashes all of them in half, causing them to explode before they reach her.

Warspite: Let me remind you Bismarck... Though I don't believe elegance should belong on the battlefield, she is still a good friend of mine!

Warspite says as she slams her sword onto the ground below. (Just imagine her retrofit skin)

Warspite: And I shall take it upon myself to avenge what you did to her in the past!

Bismarck: ...

Warspite throws her sword towards Bismarck which causes her to dodge it as it explodes behind her. Warspite summons another sword and they both clash.

A/N: Don't know if that is how it works but I saw Warspite throw her sword in order to destroy a siren ship in the 3rd anniversary pv.

Bismarck: 'Damn! I've never seen Warspite this serious before!'

Warspite slowly overpowers Bismarck and pushes her back, creating some distance between them. Not letting the opportunity go, Warspite fires her shells towards Bismarck. Bismarck uses her flagpole to defend herself and takes the full force of the shells.

As the smoke clears, Bismarck is shown to be standing in the smoke, slightly damaged.

Warspite: 'I guess her armor is no joke. She took the full force of my shells and managed to come out with only minor damage.'

Bismarck: 'For someone named the "Grand Old Lady", she's pretty fast and nimble. Those shells only did minor damage but if I take anymore... I will be in big trouble.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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