"Uhm do you want to play bowling? I heard there's a bowling center her and we can go eat ice cream at the rooftop later"

"Wow this mall is near our house but you now this better, well I'm in let's go"

When they got at the bowling center, Vivi doesn't know what to do, how to pay, where to go, she doesn't know everything.

"You look so lost, I thought you like bowling?"

"I actually don't know anything about this"

"Huh? Then why did you asked me to go here?" Haseul asked while slightly laughing.

"I just told Yerim to ask Yeojin what you like to do at the mall and she said bowling"

"Wow very smart. I'll just teach you let's go this is fun"

Haseul taught Vivi the basics first and Vivi immediately had fun doing it that they didn't even noticed the time.

They stayed there for five whole hours just having fun with each other and getting more comfortable each and every round.

"It's getting late, let's go at the rooftop now. We both need to go home early since we have school tomorrow" Vivi suggested and Haseul just went with whatever Vivi said.

Vivi got an ice cream for the both of them as they're now at the rooftop.

"I didn't know you have a sister" Vivi initiated the talk.

"Well yeah, by heart"

"What do you mean?"

"Yeojin and I are not really siblings. We're both adopted from different adoption centers, our parents adopted me first then when they saw Yeojin at a different adoption center they adopted her because they said we really look alike. We've been together since I'm 6 and she's 5 so we really became close"

"Wow, but you two really do look like each other"

"Yeah our parents are actually teasing us that we're just separated siblings. How about you and Yerim? Doesn't Yerim have a sibling?"

"She doesn't have any. We're actually the only girl and all our other cousins were boys that's why we're so close to each other"

They both had a really good and deep talks with each other and they both went back to their school dorm together.


"Can't believe younger people are getting in a relationship before Hyeju and Gowon" Yves teased the two

"Chuu and you are just fast, we're taking it slow" Hyeju answered and Gowon just rolled her eyes.

Heejin is taking a little too long that's why Chuu, Jungeun, and Gowon excused themselves first to talk to Vivi.

"What is this all about now?"

"You seems so close with Haseul now but we're worried" Jungeun started

"I know" Vivi answered

"You know what? that Haseul is attracted to you?" that's Gowon


"How did you know?" that's Chuu

"She told me about it last night"

"So do you like her back?" Jungeun asked

"I told her that I also find her attractive but I'm really not ready to be in a relationship right now because I still have that trauma. She said she understands me and she will wait until the time that I can fully get over with it"

HATRED - 2jinWhere stories live. Discover now