"I'm fine. Look, it wasn't bad." He said as he showed it stopped bleeding already. He wiped it on his Gym shirt as I watch him. 

"Be careful, you and Billy need to sort this shit out. You can't keep hurting one another." I say frustraited.

"Listen this will die down as soon as you chose me." He tells me. I cross my arms and look at him.

"I can't just do that, you know I can't. I feel terrible for it but inhave feelings for you both and I don't know what the fuck to do!" I admit to him throwing my hands up a little.

"I know, I'm not trying to pressure you into choosing." He says.

"The baby is going to be the one choosing." I huff a little as I touch my belly, the baby hasn't kicked much in the past hour so bean's probably sleeping.

"No, I don't give a shit if I'm not the dad. As far as I'm concerned I am the dad and I want you and my baby. Nobody is getting in the way of that, I'm marrying you!" He stands up touching my belly now as he looked down at me. "God, I've done some shit and I don't deserve you, you have every right to walk away. But you feel so right." He clenched his jaw a little as he leaned down to whisper on my ear. "You always feel so right, I can't wait to feel you around my cock." I blushed badly as he backed up slowly smiling innocently at me.

"Steve!" I whisper shouted. "Jesus. Go play." I shove him playfully away from me more. I turn around and wall back up the bleachers to Nancy who was giggling at out little interaction.

"What did he say?" She asked me.

"You always feel so right... then he said I can't wait to feel you around my..." I trailed off letting her fill those blanks in. She blushed as I did and started laughing making me break into a bigger smile.

"A way with words." She grabs her bag as she stands up. "I'm gonna go shower before 8th." She says before waving bye and walking down the bleachers leaving me alone.


I faked morning sickness as my way out of my last period, without actually getting into serious trouble. I had gotten my homework and left the class, the halls empty as I made my way to the fountain. Then I see him standing there, Eddie Munson, and a paper sack in hand as he sent me a huge smile. He's wearing a W.A.S.P shirt today, his leather jacket, and his ripped jeans. He looked very good.

"M'lady, this is for you." He said handing me the bag and taking a playful bow. I grabbed the bag smiling and opening it.

"Tootsie pops!" I say excitedly as I grabbed one out and unwrapped it fast. "Thank you!" I say with the suckered in my mouth.

"I skipped 7th period and took a trip to the gas station. You ready?" He asked as we began walking.

"Yeah, I'm ready. This is so good, you didn't have to go buy them for me." I tell him as we walk out the school doors.

"I want the baby to be happy, what the baby wants, baby gets." He said in a cute way.

"Ugh, I nearly need a stool to get in that van." I groan as we got to it. He laughed as he walked to my side unlocking the door.

"Here let me help." He put his hands on my waist as he helped my pregnant ass into the seat.

"Better, get a stool." I laughed as he closed the door and rushed to the driver's side.

"My appointment is at 330, but I wonder if they can get me in early." I say excitedly. "Its right down town, next to the hospital. The maternity side." I tell him.

The 30th (Billy and Steve Triangle.)Where stories live. Discover now