➟ A Forgotten Friendship #1

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Genres - ⚠️☁️

✘ - There will be mentions of abuse, injuries and cruelty involved.

Supernatural creatures exist in this story.

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Third person POV

Zaria, also known as Ria.

A princess who seems to have a normal life on the outside, she'd loved by her people, by the few friends she has.

However, behind closed doors, her home life is difficult and depressing.

She gets along with her father well, they often spend time with each other.

But some of the time Her step-mother likes to ruin their father-daughter time.

Her step-mother hates her, and because of that hate she has, Zaria has to go through hell.

Her step-mother, Catharina, appears to be innocent around her husband; Kendrick, whom is Zaria's father.Whereas in reality, she's cruel, mean, rude and selfish.

Catharina is cruel and abusive towards Kendrick, which Zaria knows consdering Kendrick had told her a while back.

He always hides his pain, how miserable he is with other people.

Zaria and Kendrick both wishes they could leave, wishes they could escape.

However, they both were too afraid since they know all too well what Catharina could do..

So she had to put up with this sorrowful life..

Zaria's POV

I don't get it, why does she hate me so much?

I hate her just as much, why you ask?

She was the reason my mother died, she killed her.

I witnessed it myself, I even remember the very look on her face when she killed mother.

Her expression had no remorse, no..emotion whatsoever.

But sadly..I can't do anything about it.

Fortunately for me, she doesn't know I watched her murder my mother.

"Zaria!Come here right now!"My step-mother had called me, I silently groaned to myself, then sat up from my bed and walked out of my room.

Third person POV

When Zaria had left her room, she could see Catharina standing infront of her door.

"Yes mother?"She'd ask with a stern tone of voice, looking at Catharina.

"Go to the market, I have run out of flour and sugar when baking cookies."Catharina's arms were folded, and she had a cold look on her face as she looked down upon Zaria.

"Yes mother.."She'd respond quietly.

All of a sudden, Catharina had slapped Zaria in the face.

Zaria would wince, then Catharina leaned down to Zaria's eye level.

"What did I say about talking quietly?!"Catharina would give her an angry looked, she talked in such a cruel tone towards her.

"I'm sorry mother-"Zaria would speak in a more normal voice.

Catharina would stay silent for a moment, then an evil grin would appear on her face."That's better, now go get changed and leave to the market."She'd say with a cold tone, then walked away.

Zaria sighed, then entered her room.

Zaria had gotten changed into a more casual outfit, then left the castle.Zaria trailed to the market afterwards.

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Zaria had arrived at the market, occasionally she'd look at the stalls around her, ranging from jewellery to food stalls.

Sometimes she'd get distracted by things that looked appealing to her, even trying samples of food.

She realised she had to get what Catharina had asked for, and immediately rushed off to the correct stall.

It didn't take long for Zaria to find what she needed, she soon left the market after getting what she needed.

However, little did she know she was being followed on the way back to the castle..

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