Start from the beginning

"We... want him to get better. He was the one that made us. And you... you're the one that saved us. The commission.. They made him. So you'll have to be the one that saves him. Please."

"They're doomed. Good intentions don't get you anywhere anymore." Maneater muttered, turning to look at the sunset that she's staring at. "But...Things aren't beautiful because they last. Like flowers. I think.. I think it's a privilege to be among people who are kind. Who have good intentions and want the best for you. Like your team." He scoffed and shook his head. "You're unbearably naive, willingly too. Why?" He asked, making her laugh. "Well. We all have a little kid inside us that wants to be hopeful. I want to bring yours out again, Shinjiro." She turned to him, her eyes stern and serious. For a split second, she saw a tinge of vulnerability flash in his eyes before he shook his head and tore his gaze away from hers.

"No. No I'm- no. I already told you Shinjiro is gone. Please leave. Let me do what I need to do, and if I die in the process then so be it. I'll die satisfied knowing that I left a mark in society." His face twisted with a look of determination and anger, and he bit his lip hard enough to draw blood. "I can't let you attack the main base Shinjiro. Come back with me. You can get help, along with the rest. Haruki, Shiro, Reia. They're all waiting for you." She sighed, tilting her head. "Stop!- Stop calling me that.." He begged. He couldn't bring himself to look her in the eyes, seeing flashes of that kind nurse with every glance. He wanted to be mean and show her how cruel he is so that she'd leave him alone, alone to rot in his own revenge ideals.

"Revenge is great. Assholes need punishing. But after you punish them all, you replace them as the leader, the new asshole to people who might get mistreated under your system because guess what, no system is perfect." She shrugged. He whipped his head towards her. "I won't." "You will. You're smart enough to know what the right of conquest is, right?" Maneater nodded and opened his mouth to speak. "Yes. I've thought of that too when I was planning on setting the commission right. Well I decided to lead by example. The civilians and normal people are the ones who are most affected by the wrongs of the commission. So all I have to do is show the secrets that I have access to and let the people do what they see fit is. That should work, don't you think?"

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of helicopter blades, coming from more than one direction. "Attack helicopters..." She mumbled to herself. "Benji what the shit are these?! Didn't I tell Killian to cancel his order?!" She asked through the comms. "Yes! Hold on I'll... He said he didn't call them off for your own safety!" Benji responded. "That fucking liar!" Y/n shouted. "Maneater get behind me I'll solve this-" He grabbed her hand and glared into her eyes. "Don't." Is all he said before unhanding her and shoving her onto the ground behind him. He raised his hands, creating an invisible force field between them and the gun bearing helicopters.

Y/n flinched when a storm of bullets rained down on them and collided with the shield that Maneater was holding up. "Y/n I can't get to the helicopters, they're using something to block my quirk! They were prepared I think- I think Killian was planning on taking you out too and covering it up! You need to get out of there!" Maneater took a few steps back, his shield was being pushed back by all of the bullets, and he was getting tired. He fell to his knees right in front of Y/n, who was on the ground trying to communicate with Benji. She turned and glanced at Maneater when he called out to her.

"Y/n. I... It's too late for someone like me. You can't save me from myself. You can't.. Save me from my urges. My past. My hunger. But you have to save them. They're not like me. Those three, they don't have a natural urge to do unspeakable things to satisfy their own hunger." He shouted through the sound of bullets. Y/n shook her head but he shushed her. "You have to fix hero society. There's no one more fit for it than you. Don't.. Don't let what I'm about to do cloud your thoughts with revenge. Keep your eyes on the goal. Save people. Save them." He said, his eyes bolting to the cuffs on his hand and then to the flickering shield.

𝘋𝘠𝘕𝘈𝘔𝘌𝘛𝘐𝘒𝘈//𝘒.𝘉𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘹 𝘯𝘳.1 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now