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Phantom took a short, shaky breath before she phased through the doors of Y/n's cell. She bore towels, water, food and other supplies. After hearing Maneater discuss what happened and what he should do next with Venom, she couldn't just leave Y/n in that state alone. Yes, Phantom does harber a hate for heroes, but Y/n... She just seemed so.. Human. And the younger girl admired the way Y/n cared about her family and friends as much as she cared about her job, something that Phantom's parents failed at. She hasn't told anyone about her secret admiration for Y/n's heroic persona, it's not something you really express openly in a secret society where everyone was wronged by heroes.

'What's the difference between her respect for Y/n and Maneater's?' You might ask, well it's that Maneater thinks that she's their chance at a better hero society and that she would be a phenomenal addition to their movement. Phantom, on the other hand, thinks that while Y/n might be their chance at a better society, they're just wasting their time holding her captive because she'll never break.

"What the fuck do you want now?" Y/n hissed, her back turned towards the door. Phantom's pink eyes were blown wide at the sight of the branch-like marks on Y/n's back. It's not a feature of her's that was widely known by the public. She preferred to keep it concealed to avoid any questions about it, she wanted to avoid the subject of what happened during that forsaken day. "I-It's me.. Uhm.. Phantom.." Y/n turned to the girl and gave a weak smile. "You here to torture me too, Yurei?" She sighed.

Phantom was taken aback by the fact that she knew her last name, but she brushed it off. "No.." She responded, motioning to the first aid kit with a tray of food resting on top of it. "Well at least one of you has some decorum.." Muttered Y/n, a more genuine smile replacing her tired one. The first thing Phantom did was clean Y/n's hands. She poured water on her pink towel and rubbed the hero's bloody hands clean before bandaging her bruised knuckles. "Thank you.." Y/n huffed, breaking off pieces of bread chewing on them.

"Why don't you just give up?" Phantom spoke into the silence. Y/n paused, turning to Phantom who insisted on cleaning the scratches on her back from the glass. "Excuse me?" She responded, mouth full of food. "Why don't you just give up and join, I mean. Maneater... he might have good intentions but the ways he achieves his goals is less than ethical. You've seen how far he'll go even if he's obsessed with you. It doesn't matter how much he cares about someone, he'll do whatever to get what he wants. I mean, he could've easily healed you himself in a split second, but he didn't, he wanted you to keep thinking about what he's doing and the meaning behind it."

She chucked the dirty cotton into a small trash bag and sighed. "You seem like you have a lot to say about Maneater's negatives. Why are you still with the HRS if you know that this is all wrong?" Y/n asked, taking the needle from the girl to spare her the displeasure of stitching up the cuts on her legs. "It's.. not like that. I just.. I don't know. The HRS is my family, y'know. And no, none of us were forced to join so don't think that this is some weir human trafficking ring. They found me at a low point in my life. It was when I hacked into their system after someone said that it was basically impossible to do so that Maneater discovered me. He offered to join, and I did. I was the last to join his inner circle and the three of them welcomed me."

"They gave me the family that my parents didn't really give. Too busy with their heroics. We might be going about all of this wrong, but no one will listen to us if we do this properly.. Chain is an ex gang member from a known criminal family, do you really think they'll listen to him? And Venom.. Her and Maneater were both labelled as monsters by society, they have no chance.. And me... my own parents didn't take time out of their day to listen to me, why would the government? We.. have no other choice.." Tears were gathering in her eyes.

Y/n pushed her wavy purple hair away from her face and smiled. "I know, kid. It's okay." "You have to do it." Phantom cut her off suddenly, standing up from the bed. "What?" "You have to speak up to the government in a proper way. They'll listen to you! They love you!" She exclaimed, making Y/n laugh. "No, the people love me. The government hates me, just as much as they hate you. I'm young, I'm a woman, I'm number one, I never read the scripts they give me in speeches, I'm the daughter of an ex-villain, the list goes on."

Phantom sank back onto the couch, her hopes sinking as well. "I didn't say that I couldn't change them though.." Y/n said, making her perk up again. "Really?" "Of course. If I have the people on my side then they'll have no choice but to listen. And I'll make sure that you, along with everyone who's silenced, is heard." Phantom's eyes lit up and she held Y/n's bandaged hands in hers. "You're serious?" "Why wouldn't I be Yurei? I'm supposed to be the symbol of freedom, it's my duty to put my life on the line so that people can have the freedom to say whatever they feel needs to be heard."

Y/n was surprised by a sudden hug, which Phantom pulled away from quickly and apologised for hugging her when she was injured. "It's okay, don't sweat it. But I can't do this alone. I.. need help."

"With what?"

"Getting away from here."


It's been five days since Y/n was taken, and both commissions have been contacted. The media was still not informed about Y/n's missing status, it would cause too much chaos. For all they know she's still investigating with Bakugou. The two governments worked together to assemble a strong and capable team to work on Y/n's rescue. The team consisted of the best of the best; Agent Miller, Deku, Dynamight, Shoto, Patriot and a retired old friend of Labrinth's.

"Would you get out of my way?" Aizawa huffed, pushing past William and into the meeting room. William threw him an offended look before following the black haired man into the room. "Mr. Aizawa..? Sir, not to be rude or anything but.." "Why am I here? Is that your question Midoriya?" He grumbled, and Midoriya nodded. "That kid was the student of my old friend Labrinth. We met when he was on a transfer program and kept in contact."

"He also sent her to me for a few months so she could learn Japanese and train in a different environment." "Oh I remember that." Benji chimed from his computer. Bakugou was quiet throughout the entire interaction, sitting with his head down and arms crossed in the corner and waiting for the meeting to start. His hair hadn't seen a brush since the ball, and the dark circles under his eyes were more apparent than ever. All his brain could manage to think of was what Maneater was doing to Y/n at the moment. Her face, in that video, still haunted him. He recalled how it felt like to be kidnapped, to feel so utterly alone.

He remembered how he felt a weight lift off his shoulders when he heard All Might's voice, how he felt hope. 'As if I ever lost it.. tsk..' But no matter what Tough-Guy thoughts he had, he had this feeling, this desire, to be the voice that will make Y/n look up with hope in her eyes. To make her think 'Oh thank god it's finally over.' "So you know her? She never told me she knew you." Todoroki added. "The whole thing was kept under wraps for security purposes. But yeah, I knew her. Now get up and get those concerned looks off your faces because she's okay."

They all looked at him as if he was crazy, but he went on. "One thing I know about that kid is that she's the most stubborn ass you'll ever meet. She's always been quite the problem child. Not in the sense that she wasn't well behaved, no, but she's not one to mess with because she doesn't hold back. She might have toned herself down now as a pro, but I know her enough to say that she'd laugh at your pathetic faces if she were here." He scoffed.

"Now get to work so we can find her."

𝘋𝘠𝘕𝘈𝘔𝘌𝘛𝘐𝘒𝘈//𝘒.𝘉𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘹 𝘯𝘳.1 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن