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Y/n was the first to wake up. She noticed an abnormal weight on her shoulder and was surprised to see Bakugou's hand resting there. He hadn't moved since he fell asleep. She recalled the nightmare she had, and then she remembered how she felt calm all of a sudden. 'No Y/n. Get up. He's your coworker for this mission you can't..' Gently, she moved his hand away and got off the bed.

He stirred awake when he heard the sound of running water. Y/n had hopped in the shower to clear her mind. Bakugou pushed himself up and rested on his elbow, he pinched the bridge of his nose and shut his eyes, trying to process last night. 'What the fuck is wrong with me..' His head whipped in the direction of the bathroom door when he heard it open. She walked out, water drops sliding along her exposed skin with only a towel to cover herself.

She hadn't noticed Bakugou, who was on the bed behind her, his face tomato red. His eyes darted to the scars that he hadn't noticed before. The injuries looked like they hurt an awful lot when they were fresh. Y/n slipped on her undergarments under her towel before dropping it on the ground, allowing him to get a better look at the pattern of scars that branched across her back like the limbs of a tree. It looked like she was struck by lightning.

"Lightning type quirk. He was quite a handful. He... well it doesn't matter." His gaze snapped away from her back, surprised that she had noticed his staring. "I see." He muttered. "Water's still hot if you want a shower." She said, slipping into a shirt with her own logo on it. Bakugou nodded and hopped off the bed and into the shower. Hot water droplets hit his muscled back as he rested his head on the cold glass doors of the shower.

He sighed. "Fuck.." He groaned, the water muffled his voice. Bakugou was conflicted, he really didn't want to feel... whatever it was that he felt. He fucking hated it. But he couldn't help it. And he hated that too, he hated not being able to control his emotions. He kinda hated her a little bit for making him feel this way, for controlling his emotions.

But at the same time he loved the way she was so nonchalant about her scars, how she didn't hesitate to snap back at the lady they met in the elevator, how she was so unbothered after being slammed through the window and how she was only worried about ruining the window. She was just so effortlessly admirable. And fuck did it piss him off.

He twisted the knob to turn off the water and got out of the shower. It was Y/n's turn to stare at him when he walked out with the towel hanging on his waist. He had scars as well, there was a particularly large one on his stomach. Seems like a stab wound since his back sported a mark in the same spot. She looked away, opening up her suitcase to take out the blueprint of the building where the ball will be held.

She walked into the small living room and spread the map out on the table in front of the couch. Y/n plopped down on the velvet couch and buried her head in her hands. "Ugh.." She groaned, her palms muffling her voice. Why was he treating her like that? This would be so much simpler if he hated her. She hated mixing business with her private life, but it was getting hard not to with how much time they've spent with each other these last few months.

They bicker all the damn time, but she couldn't bring herself to hate him by the end of the day. And he was making it so much harder for her by not hating her completely. Y/n wanted to focus on the mission, not get attached to her coworker. No. She couldn't get attached to him. The target on his head was already big enough now that he was announced as her boyfriend. But she just couldn't help it.

She loved the way he would argue with her about her own safety and call her names, yet snap at whoever else calls her the same names. The way he didn't undermine her because of her age or gender was also a fresh breath of air. He was just so reliable. And while it was great when it came to the mission, it didn't really help her problem at all.

Bakugou followed her into the living room. She raised her head when she felt the couch dip beside her. Her face was hot. So was his.

"Alright. Let's review the area and the exits and possible scenarios for tonight.."

They spent a few hours discussing possible outcomes and strategies for possible things that could go wrong. The two spent the entire time cooped up in their room either laying on the ground or on the couch. "Okay but what if one of the heroes was Maneater in disguise?" She asked, throwing the crumpled paper from her take out sandwich in the air before catching it again and repeating the action.

"That can't be possible, they took DNA tests and other identity confirming protective measures as soon as we stepped into the hotel." He responded, she sighed. "I guess. I'm just being paranoid. It feels like he's everywhere these days.." Y/n said, thinking about how he could've possibly slipped her that note.

Bakugou, who was also laying on the floor on the other side of the table turned to look at her. "Don't overthink it dipshit. We'll be fine. If you overthink you'll distract yourself from what's actually happening and I'm not in the mood to save your ass." He grumbled. "I guess you're right. We should go get ready, we have to go soon." She flipped herself onto her feet and brushed off the crumbs from the food that they ate.

His red eyes followed her as she walked into the room. He got up, picking up the blueprint and folding it along with throwing away any trash left on the table. She had laid out his suit for him to change in the living room so that they could both have their privacy. Bakugou wore a black dress shirt with a wine red waistcoat and black slacks. He had a few buttons open and a silver buckled belt.

"Hey uhm Katsuki.." Y/n muttered, walking out of the room with a wine red dress and black heels that match with Bakugou. 'She looks... gorgeous...' She held up her dress with her hands and walked over to him. "Can you uh.. Y'know.." She turned her back to him, motioning to the zipper that was out of her reach. Without a word, he obliged. Grabbing her by her waist, he drew her closer to himself. His fingertips brushed against her lightning scar unconsciously, she cleared her throat to snap him out of his daze. Bakugou shook his head and slowly zipped her dress up, careful as to not break the zipper.

"There. Now let's get this shitty ball over with." He huffed. "Yeah. Just hold on, I have to get my pin.." She walked back into the room, where she re-emerged with a little metal pin with the American flag engraved on it. "Don't I get one?" He asked, she shook her head and clipped in on her chest. "It's for the number one's, to show what country you came to represent. You have to put them on every ball and every seasonal meeting."

"Seasonal meeting?" "Yeah, there's one once every season, all the number one's meet up and talk about crime rates and other shit." She explained, he nodded. The two walked out. Bakugou kept his hand on her lower back as they walked downstairs to meet up with Midoriya and Todoroki. They were supposed to arrive at the location of the ball in the same car. Midoriya was wearing a green and black suit while Todoroki elected for a white suit with small intricate red details.

"Merry Christmas guys." Smiled Midoriya. "Merry Christmas." Responded Y/n, also smiling. Midoriya drove, with Todoroki on shotgun and Bakugou and Y/n in the back. The only people conversing were the two number ones, Bakugou and Todoroki stayed silent for the entire ride. "Alright, we're here. Stay close to each other guys. We need to be in reach if anything happens." Midoriya warned.

Y/n hooked her arm around Bakugou's and they walked inside, Midoriya and Todoroki following suit. The ballroom was extravagant, large glass chandeliers hung from mural filled ceilings, floors so clean you could see your reflection, and long stained glass windows. People were already dancing, Y/n could make up a few new number ones that she's never seen before, along with ones she was familiar with. Y/n took a deep breath.

"Alright guys let's get this party started.."

𝘋𝘠𝘕𝘈𝘔𝘌𝘛𝘐𝘒𝘈//𝘒.𝘉𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘹 𝘯𝘳.1 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now