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Bakugou hastly followed the others to the agency, swatting away any reporters that walked up to them. "Kinetika! When will you be making a statement?" One of them asked, shoving a microphone in the shivering hero's direction. She backed away a little, in fear of hurting the civilian with her quirk, and opened her mouth to answer, but Bakugou had other plans. "She just defused an explosion using her body do you think she's in shape to fucking make one?!"

Y/n thanked him, but he shook his head. "Whatever. I'm not letting you off the hook for the shit that you just pulled yet." The four of them entered the agency where they were met with a hysteric Benji. "Oh god! I- I saw everything- you just jumped- and then it exploded- and- and-" He sniffled, wiping away his tears and snot as he walked up to Y/n. "Benji.. Please take me to the room.." Is all she had to say to make him get his shit together again. "Of course.." He muttered, leading her away from the rest of the group.

Right when she was out of earshot, William groaned loudly. "There she goes again, doing something recklessly and then winning the crowd over!" He grumbled, slumping on one of the waiting room couches. Todoroki gave him a curious look. "What do you mean by that?" He asked him. William rolled his eyes. "What I mean is that she can never do anything correctly! Because of her Chain AND Venom got to escape! And now the government is gonna let her off because everyone loves her! She's too stupid to be number one!"

Todoroki frowned, opening his mouth to argue back, but Bakugou interrupted once again. "Because of her, thousands of people were fucking saved! What the fuck would you have done to that bomb huh?! Splashed your shitty water on it? Without her we'd all be fucked so be grateful and stop acting like a little bitch just because people don't like you! They might even start liking you then! Now if you have some more shit to say then say it to her face you old bastard!" "Bakugou please." Todoroki stepped in.

William scoffed, getting up and standing in front of Bakugou. Bold move might I add. "Who do you think you're calling an old bastard? One call to your commission and they'll have you board a plane back to wherever you came from in ten minutes!" Bakugou laughed loudly in William's face before grabbing him by his blond locks and drawing him closer to his own face. "Oh yeah?! Then that leaves me nine minutes to beat the living shit out of you!" Todoroki pushed William away from Bakugou and urged his old classmate to back down.

"Bakugou please, not now. I'll talk to him. You need to rest, it's been a long night." "Don't fuckin' tell me what to do.." Bakugou grumbled, but walked away nonetheless. As much as it angered him, he wanted to check on Y/n. What she did infuriated him, yes, but it also made him see her in another light. She wasn't just some snarky strong chick, she used her strength for good, and she damn near could've gotten killed by doing it. But she didn't care, she only cared about others. Even after jumping on a bomb the only thing she cared about was not hurting others with her quirk.

She reminded him of Midoriya, which frustrated Bakugou. He hated the fact that those two were so selfless to the point where they are basically suicidal. That they'd do anything to save the people. But he couldn't help but admire the lack of hesitation within her actions. Which led to him angrily stomping in the direction where she went. "Where's L/n?" He asked one of the workers. "T-training room to your r-right sir.." The worker muttered nervously.

He didn't spare them another glance and quickly stomped away. There he saw Benji, who's bloodshot eyes were worryingly staring through a window. "Where the hell is she?" Bakugou grumbled. Benji didn't speak, he only nodded towards the window that he was staring out of. The hero rolled his eyes, but followed Benji's gaze nonetheless. There he saw Y/n sleeping soundly on the ground, tattered clothing and hair and everything. Around her the training room was in complete shambles.

𝘋𝘠𝘕𝘈𝘔𝘌𝘛𝘐𝘒𝘈//𝘒.𝘉𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘹 𝘯𝘳.1 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now