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Bakugou stomped his way to Y/n's changing room to ask her if she was done. The interview was about to start and he was getting impatient. "Hey bitc-babe," He stopped himself, noticing the makeup artists hovering around Y/n. This acting gig is gonna be tough. "Are you done yet? We start soon." He said, his civil tone surprising Y/n. "Soon hun. Just give me a minute." She smiled. She was better at this that he was, but not by much.

"I'll wait outside." He quickly muttered, exiting the room. A few minutes later Y/n came out, sporting a gorgeous (Colour) dress. The two smiled at each other and linked hands, getting a few 'aww's from the makeup artists. They walked quickly towards the interview room. "You're doing better than expected, Dynamight." Y/n whispered into his ear as they walked through the mostly empty halls together. "Are you saying that you thought I'd fucking fail?" He hissed back under his breath.

"Don't fucking ruin it." She muttered back through a smile. "Ahaha.. You're so fucking annoying.." Bakugou mumbled with a low chuckle and a grin. Y/n laughed as well, the two of them pretending to talk about something hilarious to mask their bickering. "And you're a pain in the ass.." She said quietly with a giant smile on her face, by her attitude you'd think she's talking about puppies.

The two finally reached the room in which the interview would be held in and were ushered inside. They quickly sat on a small sofa and had microphones clipped onto their clothes. The interviewer entered the room, greeting them warmly and telling them that the interview will start in a minute. "Are you two ready?" She asked, they nodded, intertwining their fingers and inching closer to each other for the camera.

Putting on the best fake smiles they could, they awaited the countdown. "Hello and welcome back! It's finally time for the patiently awaited interview with our newest hero couple, USA's number one Kinetika and Japan's number two Dynamight! How are you guys?" The lady smiled. "We're so happy to be here.." Y/n answered. She squeezed Bakugou's hand painfully, urging him to say something. "Yes." He muttered quickly, with a small, barely distinguishable, smile.

"Well, I'm sure that the public has a lot of questions for you two, but let's start with some simple ones since this is all so sudden for all of us. How did you guys meet and how long has this been going on? We're all dying to know!" She laughed. Bakugou and Y/n both tried their best to laugh and make it sound real, and they were barely succeeding. "The two of us met at the universal hero conference last year and hit it off ever since." Y/n lied.

"Dynamight, what was it that instantly attracted you to Kinetika?" The interviewer asked. Bakugou gulped, quickly scanning his brain for a compliment that won't get to Y/n's head. "Urm.. Her.. face.." He muttered. Y/n clenched her teeth and tightened her grip on his hand. "Really?" The woman in front of them giggled. "I also liked her personality." He went on, noticing Y/n's fury beginning to bubble.

Y/n was struggling not to face palm, it took way too much strength than it should've. "And what about you Kinetika?" She asked, sensing that she wouldn't get that much information from Bakugou. "Oh well it's his confidence I guess.. Just the way that he knows his worth when he strides into the room is very... Attractive.." She giggled. 'I want to wash my tongue after that...' Y/n thought to herself, masking her disgust with a shy smile.

Bakugou raised an eyebrow, a small smirk making its way to his face. Seeing Y/n like this was pretty amusing to him, but he couldn't help but blush a tiny bit at her compliment, even if he knew that she didn't mean it. "Yeah, and seeing her match my energy made me pretty interested in her." He spoke up, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. Y/n sighed internally, relieved that she won't have to carry the whole interview alone and that Bakugou was finally lifting his own weight.

"Awww! You two are such a power couple! We look forward to seeing you two fight crime together some day! Tell me, has it been hard to balance the distance relationship?" "Yeah, we're both top heroes and it's pretty hard to balance work life and a love life in person, let alone distance. But all that matters is that we get to see each other in person now, even if it's temporary." Y/n beamed and Bakugou nodded along with her words, drawing circles on her forearm with his finger tips.

She shivered at his touch, his hands were very gentle and warm as they ran over her skin, yet again something that she did not anticipate from Bakugou. She knew what was happening, Bakugou was only being overly affectionate to tease and irritate her, not to try and sell his act. He was enjoying her annoyance. Deciding to get back at him, she decided to give him a small peck on the cheek.

Bakugou paused in his tracks, his fingers lingering on Y/n's skin. 'Two can play at this game..' He thought to himself. The hand on her forearm snaked its way down to her thigh, squeezing it gently. He smirked as he felt her gulp. 'Damn you Dynamight..' She thought as she tried to come up with a counter attack.

"So do you two have any dates planned?" "Actually we-" Bakugou's words were cut off as the power suddenly went off. As if on instinct, Bakugou and Y/n grabbed each other and quickly stood up, trying to search the pitch black room for anything dangerous. Merely seconds later, the power was back.

"Greetings, heroes."

Everyone whipped their heads to the screen behind them, which was the source of the voice. There sat Chain, with Venom perched right on his lap. He had a cup of what looked like whiskey in hand and a cigarette between his lips while Venom licked at a heart shaped lollipop. "We're filming this live from your city Kinetika. Oh don't look so surprised darling... Did you really think that we are that stupid to not plan our every step?" He smirked evilly.

Y/n clenched her eyes shut, feeling dumber than ever. "Damn it. That picture of them in Shiba wasn't real. Didn't Phantom's quirk give her the ability to make illusions? It must've been her.." She muttered frantically to Bakugou. "That's right, we fooled you~" He chuckled, earning a small laugh from Venom as well. Chain drew one last puff from his cigarette and flicked it away, clearing his throat.

"We sent this to tell you that we have planted a bomb in your beloved Manhattan, right here in my club in fact. And it will detonate in 48 hours. So you either- oh, thank you baby," He paused as a young lady came up to him and lit him another cigarette. "Right. As I was saying, you have 48 hours to come here and stop the bomb, otherwise everyone in this city will die. You don't want a bomb this dangerous going off, do you now sweetheart?"

And with that, the video cut off and everything went back to the state it was in. The interviewer sat shocked in her seat, her eyes open as she clutched her notepad to her chest. Y/n was so thankful that this interview would not be broadcasted live.Quickly, she grabbed Bakugou's arm and rushed out of the room. Ripping off the microphone devices, she sprinted to the car that drove them here, dragging Bakugou behind her.

"C'mon get in."

"What? Where the fuck are we going?! We need to get back to the agency and report this-"

"Shut the hell up for a second Bakugou. We're going to New York."

𝘋𝘠𝘕𝘈𝘔𝘌𝘛𝘐𝘒𝘈//𝘒.𝘉𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘹 𝘯𝘳.1 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now