ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 2

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As I pulled Kinn in for a kiss, someone had knocked on the door.

We broke the kiss and I quickly threw his Tuxedo at him and hid behind the couch next to me.

Kinn went and sat back as his desk adjusting his paper work.

BODYGUARD: Khun Kinn, can I come in sir?

KINN: Err, yes, come in.

The body walked in the superior office, and made sure he didn't break anything, cause the furniture in Kinn's office was worth more then his life.

The bodyguard bowed.

BODYGUARD: Khun Kinn, you have a meeting with you're father in an hour.

KINN: Oh, mk, you may leave.

The bodyguard bowed and left.

Porsche got up as he was sweating from staying behind the expensive couch. He stood up and the sweat from his body dripped down his abs.

Kinn could't help but stare at him and his abs.

PORSCHE: What? Is something wrong?

Porsche said as he saw Kinn look up and down at him

KINN: Oh, no, nothing. Put you're shirt on.

Kinn wanted Porsche's shirt on because if it wasn't on sooner or later, he'd fuck Porsche like no tomorrow.

PORSCHE: Thank fucking god, I can finally wear clothes.

Porsche was so happy. He put on his suit, and stood there. Kinn just sat and completed his work as it was silent in his office.

PORSCHE: Your meeting?

Kinn just looked up at porsche and porsche looked back.

KINN: Oh, yeah, thanks for the reminder sherlock.

PORSCHE: Can you not be a smart ass for once? I was just generally reminding you, ugh.

Porsche rolled his eyes and went over to Kinn and open palmed smacked him in the face.

Kinn looked up and gave him a death stare. Porsche walked out and went to his room slamming the door behind him.

I fucking hate him. He's so rude, mean, ugh!! 

Why can't he be nicer to me? Why does he hate me, he's such an ass!

 These thoughts ran through Porsche's mind as he ran too his room bumping into Kim.

PORSCHE: Oh my god, I'm so sorry Khun Kim.

They both got up and Porsche bowed. 

Although his brother lived at the house with Kim, porsche was still Kinn bodyguard and he hated it.

KIM: Hey, it's fine, don't stress it. Anyways, have you seen your brother?

PORSCHE: Oh, yeah, I think he's in the pool.

KIM: Oh, thanks.

Kim left and headed towards the pool. Porsche started running as he finally reached his room. He sat on his bed and wondered.

What did I do to Kinn?

Does he want to kill me?

Does he hate me?

Suddenly, Porsche got so worked up, that he fell asleep, and Kinn walked in the room...

𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘐 𝘏𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘏𝘪𝘮, 𝘙𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum