Blueberry Soda ~ Catradora

Start from the beginning

"Are we giving ourselves nicknames now, your Majesty?" Catra shot back without missing a beat.

"You know," Adora cut in, knowing this could devolve quickly if she didn't, "I think I remember George and Lance telling me that story."

"O-Oh, they did?" Bow's voice pitched. He really shouldn't be surprised at this rate.

"Yeah. You know they tell me everything. I'm the daughter they've always dreamed of." It was true. George and Lance were always begging Adora to come over and help them in the archives. The organization! The filing systems! "Pretty sure they said you only wanted to get into archery because you were trying to impress a girl."

"What?!" Bow let out a nervous laugh. "Me? Wha- I- no, I wasn't-"

"Adora, cut it out," Glimmer said. "The only girl he even knew at that age was me."

"Hey, Queenie, is your magical power flight? Because if it is, maybe you can chase after the point that just flew over your head."

"Catra!" Adora tried her hardest not to laugh, especially when she turned to see both Glimmer and Bow's faces burning red. "Don't be mean."

"And what about you?" Glimmer directed the question at Catra, desperate to deflect the attention. "You're already such an embarrassment so I'm sure you have plenty of stories."

"Glimmer," Adora reprimanded. "Mean."

"Childhood stories imply that I ever had a childhood."

Glimmer scoffed at that. "Are you trying to say you were never a child?"

"I'm an entity, Sparkles. A being with no beginning or end." With a low grumble, Catra added, "I certainly was never some snot-nosed little heathen like the rest of you."

"Apparently I was best friends with a changeling my whole life then." Adora poked Catra's ribs, earning an outraged growl in response. "I happen to remember a certain picture day-"

"Shut it, Gray."

"-when you decided you just had to do your hair on your own, so you took it upon yourself to-"

"Finish that sentence and I swear-" Catra's claws poked warningly into Adora's back, "-I will tell them all about the Alwyn Incident."

Adora has never shut up so quickly, skin pale as she whispered, "You wouldn't."

She did. Catra gave the full story, sparing no details or Adora's pride in the process. By the time Adora was reduced to a red-faced embarrassed mess, she'd forgotten entirely about the story she was trying to tell about Catra.

(Glimmer did not forget. Glimmer would be asking as soon as she could corner Adora in classes on Monday. Adora would be prepared. Despite what Catra thinks, not every photo from that day had been shredded to pieces. Glimmer would not comment that Adora just keeps that in her wallet. But she would definitely tell Bow later.)

After Glimmer's dramatic recounting of a particularly unfortunate family reunion (the Moon's should never be allowed ten feet near a game of monopoly, those little budding monarchs), the game continued in similar fashion — with far too much bickering and a suspicious preference for only truths over dares.

As the hours wore on though, and each member of the Best Friend Squad refused to fall asleep, their questions and answers only grew wilder as their sleep-drunk brains desperately chugged along.

Following a dozen or so rounds, it was Glimmer who proudly declared, "Okay, okay I got one. Truth or dare?"


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