Blueberry Soda ~ Catradora

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"Okay, okay I got one. Truth or dare?"


"Alright!" Glimmer clapped her hands together, smiling brightly. "So, truth. If you could do just one thing you've always wanted to do, and you knew you wouldn't get caught or face any consequences for it or anything like that, what would it be?"

"Do we have infinite resources?" Catra asked. "Could we, like, magically teleport wherever we wanted to do the thing?"

"No, no." Glimmer waved Catra off. "None of that smartass shit. I mean right now, with the resources you have, in Brightmoon. If you could do anything within the limitations of your own imagination and real-life ability, what would you do?"

Or: The Best Friend Squad plays truth or dare, Catra terrorizes Kyle for fun, and Adora makes a confession.


"Truth or dare?"

The groans from the group did not deter Bow in the slightest. "Come on! I know you guys want to play. It's been weeks!"

"Can't we just, like, look up at the stars in a relaxing and contemplative silence?" Glimmer whined.

"Nice try, Sparkles. Pretty sure Adora is gonna explode if she has to sit still for a second longer, so-"

"Not true!" Adora gasped. It was totally true. She absolutely loved their quiet nights stargazing but she could only take so much before she got restless.

"So, truth or dare?" Bow repeated.

Everyone grumbled in unison, "Truth." Nobody wanted to move for a dare. Except maybe Adora, but she was not about to move out of fear of what would be a very annoyed Catra.

The four were squeezed side by side in Adora's truck bed, nevermind that Glimmer's jeep was parked just beside them and could've easily held two. They'd at least taken the care to bring a few pillows and lay a thick blanket down to separate their squished bodies from the cold metal beneath them.

Adora and Bow were both on their backs in the middle, shoulders touching. Glimmer was on Bow's end, curled into his side, hands locked between her chest and his ribs. He had an arm cushioning her head, on the basis that he was just trying to make sure she was comfortable and definitely not so he could hold her ("There are literally pillows right there, the lovesick idiots").

Catra, on the other hand, wasn't bothering with the half-snuggling. No, she was fully on top of Adora, unashamedly using her friend as a personal body pillow. Her arms wrapped around Adora's waist, both their legs intertwined. Meanwhile, the blonde beneath her was pinned down, occupying her need to move with a hand trailing through Catra's hair, unknotting the messy tangles as gently as she could.

Platonically, of course.

"Okay, I got one," Bow finally said. "What's an embarrassing story from your childhood?"

"Ugh, lame."

"Catra, you literally say that about any question that isn't your own," Glimmer argued, pointedly ignoring the way Catra stuck her tongue out at her.

"Easy you two," Bow lightly chastised them. "It's my question so I can start." He quickly launched into a story about the first time he'd tried to use a bow and arrow — a nerf one, because his dads weren't completely insane — but it ended in disaster and a broken century-old vase regardless.

"I'm pretty sure it's common sense rule number one not to shoot projectiles in the house," Glimmer teased him. "Even I know that and I'm the queen of chaos."

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