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Her Blood dripped onto their kitchen floor. She had tried to dodge the attack, but it was too late. "Why are you doing this? We had a deal," She hissed through the pain. The woman witnessed enough wounds like these to know that she doesn't have much time anymore. "Well, we changed a few details of said deal, as you can see.

"Most of the dead people out there weren't fit for work after your precious council left them to starve out here." The intruder told her while he was pacing around the kitchen. "Also, we pretty much fulfilled the main goal of the contract anyway, didn't we? You wanted fewer mouths to feed, and we managed to make that work, didn't we?" He and his friends were laughing.

"What kind of deranged creature laughs about committing democide?" she had asked. The man bends down on his knees to look her in the eyes. "Humans do. Haven't you heard?" He was right; she had known about their past all along, about how they eventually destroyed their own kind over a war.

But they needed the help and couldn't have asked the other Nations. Maybe she was too selfish and naive. Perhaps she shouldn't have trusted the people from outer Space who couldn't even get along with their own kind. Living like a queen must have made her blind to all that. The irony of realizing all of that on her deathbed made her laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" The man asked, but she couldn't hear him anymore. Would she have lived another day if she had done things differently? Did she even have an option to do things differently? Or was all of this, the soil erosion, the food shortage, the deal, and eventually her death, all just fate? Part of something bigger?

Minerva Aldine couldn't make sense of it, even though she hoped it was true. She slowly drifted away into unconsciousness cry out one last time, "please let me see my son, please," before everything went dark.

Her Body would start to decay in the next 24 hours, her internal organs decomposing in the following days until it'll be entirely gone. But her soul, her Tendrá, will be out there. In the endless Universe turning into whatever, it needs her to be.

And even though she didn't see her son one last time, he will see the next sunrise. And hundreds more after that because of his mother's sacrifice.

(404 Words)

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